Weekly LightBlast

December 29, 2011



How Free are you within the systems of earth around you?  This moment you are called to Allow it to be, and choose your direction. Limitation is a perspective and it will not go away because it is inbuilt into the functionality of life on Earth – form.  Form itself is a limitation, but there is great Freedom within that construct, for it compels expansion beyond the current limits; new form is formed, ever forming.  Here you stretch your Freedom, you Progress it through time and you choose your direction of expansion through your perception.  Love is experienced through choice.  Love does not need, therefore, Love does not limit.  While form has needs, it gives form to Love, which is limitless, thus even form is infinite in nature through the Grace of Love.  This is the beauty of Time.  As one perceives a limit in form and chooses a direction of change (moving ‘past’ limit), Love begins to form the new.  Form is the inspiration for Love expansion, Time is the marker for Progress and Love is the building block of new form.  The cycle begins again and you, Creative One, are called into Being again and again and again. 

That is how Free you are.  You are Love in form.  You are Love expressing through Time.  You are Love, observing through your unique singularity, choosing through your innate empowerment and Being/Allowing the moment of form, forming anew.  Be the change?  Such wisdom.  It is Allowing the Self to Flow Love.  If you aren’t ‘being the change,’ you are merely being the limit, but do not despair.  The Whole Truth is the Universal System of Life is such that Love Flow does not stop.  It continues within you and around you, for Life Loves even those that can not Love in each moment.  You can not get it wrong, you can not disrupt the True system.  That is the cosmic joke.  All those that seem to be influencing negatively are merely calling forth more expansion, more empowerment, more Love, and therefore, more Freedom.  Do not resist, for that is just lack limiting Flow.  Allow from a place of powerful Love and wisdom, and you will be supported by the full force of the Universal Flow of Love.  You will innately understand when a boundary serves you, you will Know when changing direction serves you, you will know the ease of peaceful patience.  One open to expansion and wise to empowerment.

Freedom, Powerful Ones, is not only your birthright, but your destiny, for there is no force that can stop it.  Suppression?  Control?  Manipulation?  Death?  Observe the Truth of the system of Life and you will see that compression feeds the expansion.  You will see that strength is enhanced through these forces, for even the creation of your planetary bodies are the result of compression.  Does it need it?  Love has no need.  Opposition is mere focus.  Your Light, when focused, is a powerful form of compression.  Allow Life to be, for you need not mold the physicality of it into what is pleasing for your eye.  Focus.  Envision.  Allow the natural Flow of your Love to build form, you are the new planet awaiting birth.  Prepare your foundation with the wisdom and peace of One that Knows expansion is the way of Life and Love is the seed of Life.  Nurture your garden thusly.

As we sit to Blast Freedom, on the cusp of 2012, we are moving past the limit of form into limitless Love in form, continually forming.  We are focusing our powerful beam of Love to support growth into Freedom expressing.  We are Being receptive to the Flow of Love, observant of the compression of Love, and peaceful in the knowledge of the unseen System of Life.  We are fearless and aware of the power of our choice, the power of our focus, the power of Progress.  We are the embodiment of the unstoppable Flow of Life, directing, allowing and expanding.  We are no longer waiting, we are rejoicing, for Time is Now.  Blast on!

December 22, 2011



Powerful One, open your heart and the Flow of Life changes.  Air finds the open lines of flow.  It fills every space.  It is so fine in form that you can not see it, but you feel its power to sustain Life.  This is similar to your Love.  You become the duct system through which the air (e’er) flows.  By your focus, the air is warmed and nurtures life into safety and comfort.  By your focus, the air is cooled and nurtures life into movement and expression.  That is your Compassion.  Your ability to Allow such Grace, that the world around you is comforted into unique expression from its natural state, One of Love.   

Compassion trusts.  It knows the inherent nature of All Life.  Compassion Allows, because the flow, though perhaps unseen in the moment, is Known to be an expression of Love seeking to know itself.  Compassion is courageous, because the Whole Truth understands Progress, the moments beyond the Now that are interwoven and thus portended by choice.  What will you choose?

Compassion.  Not a bleeding heart, but a leading heart.  Wisdom understands and foresees the Progress of Life and acts accordingly in the moment.  Compassion does not overpower, it empowers through the courage to direct and Allow.  Direction is for the Self, One chooses and direction follows choice.  Allowance is for the sharing of Life, for response is the natural Flow of Life.  Love expands.  The compassionate one has no fear of less than Love.  For there is no lack that must be filled by another.  Direction was chosen within. 

As we sit to Blast Compassion, we are directing Life with the adroit creativity of One that understands Love is the True Transformer of Life for it nurtures expression in form, expanding and enhancing the experience of Life.  We are opening to Self-Love that is so vast that the universe resides within the heart of each One.  We are reflecting Truth to each life formed, nurturing more empowerment, more creativity, more freedom to Flow.  We are the bold, showing the way, lighting the shore, seeding Heaven on Earth.  Your choice changes Flow, Compassion directs adeptly.  Blast on!

December 15, 2011



The Whole Truth of human being is that we are separate and united.  One individual, unique in form and perspective.  There is no other like you in the entire universe, for you are the singularity in form, distinctive in All Time.  And yet like a drop of water in the ocean, you are interconnected with the vastness that is all around you.  Not just the ocean, but all the life within it, the soil that supports it, the air that beckons evaporation and renewal, etc. etc. etc.  You are intimately interconnected with All Life, even that which is unseen around you, that which is non-local to you and that which resided (or will reside) in another reference of Time.  Unseen, unprovable, yet the Whole Truth.

Sharing is inbuilt into the system of Life, it is necessary for the continuance of Life.  You see it all around you in nature as the systems interact and flow well together.  Even death results in nurturing renewal and new growth.  Sharing is an indicator of your Flow with Life.  As you share your Love freely, you open your Flow in all areas.  As you restrict your sharing, you restrict your own Flow.  That doesn’t mean that you must share everything to be in Flow.  True sharing is balanced in give/receive.  If you give to the point of detriment, Life is ceased, not served.  If you give to the point of depletion, that which you give to does not learn self-sufficiency, healthy boundaries or sustainment.  Sharing is just that, give/receive.  It has the energy of both, for All Life needs both for survival. 

Sharing is expansion.  There is that which you share within yourself, and Life expands through your individuality and there is that which you share with others, and Life expands through your unity.  As you share, you imbue the system of Life with your unique Light and others (All Life) respond and expand in turn.  When you participate with the Flow of Life, the system naturally supports your expansion and expression.  It is the way of Life.  Love responds and expands.  You, Creative Divine Being, are the impetus for Love expansion.  That which seems opposite of Love is a call to sharing Love.  That which seems lacking Love is a call to creating Love.  That which seems destructive to Love is a call to empowering Love.  Know your power.  Know your ability.  Know the Truth of who you are.

As we sit to Blast Sharing, we are opening the flood gates of our True connection with Life.  We are universal, we are timeless, we are Love in form, forming anew.  We are recognizing interaction with each moment and finding the wisdom solution that creates new Life in all that we see, hear, feel, taste and touch.  We are releasing that which no longer serves Love expansion, and as we release, we are sharing empowerment with the world.  Become the system of Life that you may not see before you, but that you perceive so clearly that the unseen becomes Truth in form.  You are the alchemical gateway.  You share, you create.  You share, you shift.  You share, and the Universal Flow of Life responds.  Blast on!

December 8, 2011



This week’s Progress is about having patience and yet remaining focused.  It’s about relaxing into life and playing more by creating through joy rather than just destination.   As we balance what we want and what is, we are practicing staying focused even though we may not have the proof that makes life so easy.  We are moving into even more rapid manifestation, but we are also reminded that time is still part of our experience.  As we honor the natural cycle of Progress and remain focused on creating the new, we really are altering time and creating at a faster pace (alchemy).  Patience, oddly enough, speeds up the process.  It is a reminder of first things first, and at the beginning of any creation is Love, the infinite well-spring that seeds All Life.  Here we BEgin. 

Within all aspects of life we are moving into balance with our Masculine/Feminine energy (not having anything to do with gender).  We could call that many things as it is the dual nature of life, give/receive, the polarity that provides continual movement, the reflection of self and All, the integration that expands, etc.  This particular time is about activating more of our feminine energy which is about receiving, nurturing, caring for the Whole, intuition, the unseen.   For most, this time is about learning to receive more rather than pushing hard to create.  We are moving past the manipulative energy of depletion from ‘it is better to give than receive,’ and moving into the understanding that it is best to give and receive equally so that All Life is served well into the future.  As we balance into True Give/Receive, the line of when one is giving or receiving becomes blurred and life expands to encompass both. 

Progress then, in this new paradigm of creating, necessitates an empowered Knowing of the truth of your ability to create.  When we balance between give/receive, it can seem as if leaving ourselves open to receive is kind of like not creating or creating by default.  On the contrary, you are open to improvement because it is expected and known as the natural flow of life.  As you astutely observe the signals and synchronicities occurring in your life, you refine and expand your creation that is building.  This is quite the opposite of head in the sand creating!  This is the work in Lightwork - fascinating and fulfilling work, as you recognize that the support of an entire galaxy is co-creating with you in deep love and appreciation of your unique perspective and choice.  Progress is Time expressing through you and to you.  Progress is refining the foundation of Love and expanding the structure such that it supports more than you first imagined.  Progress is the discovery in form of the unseen response available to you at each moment.  Progress is focusing on the fullness of Love, that which you are.   

As we sit to Blast Progress, both the verb and the noun, we are refining our relationship with Time and our experience of its willingness to bend to the will of our creative nature.  We are journeying through Life with the surety and Joy of one who Knows Love is infinite, yet forming finitely at our desire, only to form and reform again through eternity.  We are expectant that Life responds to our creative impulse, for the rhythm of expansion is constant and awaiting our unique perspective to flow from sound to dance to memory engrained.  We are Living Light, reflecting creative power through the Joy of authentic FOCUS; courageous, exciting, graceful focus building a new world.  Blast on, Beloved One!

December 1, 2011



As we move from last week’s Resisting Change, we are called to Allowing Grace.  Given that the natural flow of life is toward improvement, it stands to reason that Grace follows change.  Change is constant.  It can be resisted or allowed, but change is a fact of life.  It’s built into the Universal System of Life.  Polarity is an engine that serves expansion, thus even resistance will eventually yield to change.  This is the beauty of Ascension.  As we each become the empowered Divine humans we are meant to be, we utilize our creative capabilities to facilitate change within the experience of more ease, flow and joy.  It may not be that each moment is joyful, it is that each moment is purposeful, appreciated and nurtured into Flow.  Change then becomes grace-full. 

Grace is flow with ease.  When movement is graceful, it is known within the heart.  The swell of the wave and the crashing of the wave are both eloquent.  This is Grace.  It does not matter if the change seems tranquil or turbulent, there is a perspective of the beauty within the movement and there is an understanding of the necessity and perfection of the form.  The storm and the gentle rain are appreciated and enjoyed.  Grace need not be meek.  It can be just as beneficial and benevolent as a storm or a crashing wave.  Allowing Grace is an openness to the flow of life from compassionate strength.  Your dance through the ebb and flow of life is your conscious interaction with the tides of change.  Your creative choice is what determines your experience, for the tides have no judgment or favor. 

As we sit to Blast Allowing Grace, we are choosing peace regardless of circumstance, giving peace solid rooting to grow.  We are directing flow with the choice of Love, as all that occurs leads to improvement.  We are following the truth of our heart, rather than the sway of the crowd, for Grace is empowered and supportive.  We are opening to more of our Divinity, perspective by perspective, as we observe the world, choose wisely and focus our powerful Love; Allowing Grace to lead.  Blast on!

November 24, 2011



Through these next few months we’re going to have refinement energy that is serving two purposes.  As we become clearer within ourselves, our manifestation becomes quicker and easier (without so many lessons along the way!).  Also, as Lightworkers we are moving into a time of increased guidance for the masses that are awakening at a more rapid pace since the 11/11/11, so as we refine within ourselves we are learning perspective that serves others.  Assisting the masses is about living your Truth.  We each have different jobs as Lightworkers and it only serves to remind everyone that they, too, are Lightworkers.  If your job is accountant and you are a Lightworker, then as you live your Truth openly, you are serving.  Not preaching to your officemates about your belief structure, not leaving accounting because it’s not spiritual (everything is spiritual!) but living them - treating others the way you want to be treated, being authentic, holding flexible boundaries that serve your expansion, nourishment and integrity, observing others without judgment and finding a win/win perspective and solution to every experience.  In this sense you expand ‘being an accountant’ into being a Lightworker with an aspect of your Lightwork being accounting.  This takes you beyond the drone of work and brings Life into every moment.  As you do that you are changing the vibration of the office, the company, the employees, the corporate governing system and more. 

When you are living your Light, change becomes your ally.  It becomes progress, proof and potential.  When change occurs, you know that energy is moving.  You know that manifestation is forming.  You know that your focus and intent are being summoned so that the foundation of new form has a strong base in Love; structure that supports win/win solution.  I found myself Resisting Change in two ways recently.  First I found that I was resisting small, meaningless change.  Things that just had no impact were causing me more annoyance than necessary.  I also found that I was Resisting Change that I didn’t even know was going to come to fruition, I was focusing on too much ‘what if.’

At this stage in our Ascension, we are becoming adept at creating our reality.  We are living and exemplifying the Mastery of Love.  This is an empowered stance of the courage to find the wisdom in any experience and continue our focus even though the logic of the masses would dictate otherwise.  The masses are now awakening at a faster pace, the Lightworkers are now more supported to hold a vibration that facilitates global shift.  Change is your Freedom in whatever form it comes, for it is leading toward improvement.  As you resist, you are holding a fear-based vibration of incapability and uncertainty.  Don’t resist the resistance!  It is important to appreciate it and observe what it is teaching you about yourself.  Do you feel overwhelmed, unfocused, at odds within your beliefs or powerless?  This is a time of refinement and enhancement.  Allow the minor details to empower you to change.  Observance and Allowance are fearless states of Knowing that All is Well, even if it may not be apparent in the moment. 

As we sit to Blast Resisting Change, we are empowering our Mastery in the Now, which includes all moments.  We are practicing holding the vibration of Love empowered and Knowing that the Universal Flow of Life supports us toward improvement.  We are the observers that shift the vibration of what is into the vibration of what Love is.  We are the Wayshowers that teach what it means to live a life of Sharing Love in the world.  When Love directs change, we find the wonder of Life available at every turn.  That is the power within you that no one can resist!  Blast on!

November 17, 2011



The 11/11/11 frequency upgrade continues as we adjust to the new vibration that offers us the exalted resonance of our True Divinity.  This time is culminating as our doorway into balance of Self and All, the truth of Unity Consciousness.  Strong and supported individuality balanced with the wisdom of One that operates in conscious harmony with the Whole.  We will be integrating, many with greater ease than before, as we begin the force of living from the heart with the wisdom and courage of a peaceful warrior.  You are the Wayshower.  Your work now is to fully activate Love in your life, in the world.  As you become Free within yourself, fully Free, you are flowing in your innate magnificence (magnetics) and therefore enhancing Earth’s energetics with each choice.  What will begin to become clearer as this integration continues is that you are supported as you align with the full force of Love.  It will not be a space of viewing only love happening around you, it will be your work to integrate Love into all you experience, even internally.

Love is a force, a magnetic force.  When you choose Love, it becomes directed into an electric force.  Electric and magnetic flow are so cooperative that they can not truly be separated, they actually create each other, thus whether you are giving or receiving Love becomes moot because they are so reciprocative that they can not be separated.  Where people get confused is mistaking manipulation, need or control for Love.  This is how people replace Love with avoidance or discernment with righteousness.  This is how energy gets out of balance within the human system, how sharing becomes servitude and how relationship becomes bondage.  Luckily, the brilliant Universal system of Life, though unseen, is built to self-correct.  Ultimately, so are we.  We are designed for balance, though our societies and earthly systems are not necessarily structured for our highest good.  This is what you are seeing around you, the restructuring.  It won’t always seem like Love, that is your work.  To view change and possibility through the perspective of Love and magnetize that into Being.  Your Freedom is in the Whole Truth of Love.

Love is the binding force of physicality.  It compels people to great sharing and lack of it compels people to great separation, pain and confusion.  Love is a spectrum of many qualities and no matter how opposite a quality may seem from Love, there is still a thread of Love available within all experience.  It is for you to find that thread and loom the fabric of Life into the Loving support that it was always meant to be. You can never force Love, only compliance and submission.  In the energetic of forcing compliance or submission, the Universal system self-corrects and the rebellion begins.  First subdued, then somewhat forgotten; until what becomes forgotten is the fear that first allowed submission.  As you focus your powerful creativity toward building Love, what was once rebellion becomes inspiration.  What seems like a battle becomes an artful expression of new solution.  That is the power of Love, that is what sets you Free. 

Freedom is a manifestation of Love.  When you observe your surroundings and authentically feel Love and appreciation even in the midst of challenge, you are Free.  It is that Freedom that then permeates the situation.  Have you ever had an experience where there was an emergency and one trained in emergency response arrived at the scene?  Everything changes.  They aren’t there to take your power and control you, they are there to quickly establish safety and balance so that sovereignty is again restored.  This is what you do when you maintain your powerful Love in a situation that doesn’t seem like Love at first glance.  You establish a foundation of safety and balance that may not have the lights and sirens announcing it, but the balancing phase of the unseen Universal system of Life begins to flow with the force of Love.  It is Freedom that sustains Love rather than control.

Freedom for the Self is you focusing on your path of Love in your Life.  This has an effect on the Whole whether you are aware of it or not because you are maintaining a vibrational resonance that influences the world around you.  When you focus on Freedom for the Self, you are not enforcing your choice on others.  Your interaction will reflect your vibration and it will also beckon your vibration.  Part of your focus will be to find that thread of Love in all interaction rather than trying to find the thread of explanation.  In this sense the ‘why’ becomes the ‘how can I share Love here, even if I’m the only one that is aware of it and partaking?’ See how Free you are within that?  Forgiveness is for you and may or may not involve another.  Solution is for you and may or may not appeal to another.  Silence or speaking is for you and may or may not appease another.  Love can be the truth that hurts if one is unable to hear improvement.  Love can be the silence that allows another to purge or have a moment of expression, even if you would disagree.  Love can be the patience that is required to allow another to learn at a pace that is different from yours.

As we sit to Blast Freedom For The Self, we are enhancing the sovereignty of humanity.  We are remembering that as we emanate Freedom, Self-Love and Compassion, we are flowing with the Universal system of Life and opening doorways for others to choose.  We are building the new structures that will allow the Flow of Love to flourish and nurture the new solution.  We are changing from the unseen inner world into the scene of Freedom for All as we interact with others from an empowered stance of not needing to control or manipulate response.   We are Lighting the way and showing by example that Love is the question and Freedom is the answer.   We are Allowing Grace to seed the Earth as the Power of Love is returned to Full Flow within.  Blast on!

November 10, 2011



This is your momentum of Mastery.  Form Formed, ever forming.  As you incorporate the expanse of time, the movement of time within – you understand and expect movement through Life.  Your forgetting is your only obstacle.  Your FOCUS is your work.  As you play with that, you find your Mastery.  Here we speak of 11, for this is the portal portended.  You recognize it because the time codes within you have been culminating to this point.  Yet a point is always a precipice, awaiting your leap of F.A.I.T.H. (Full Acceptance In The Heart) to fly.  The expanse broadens, the movement continues.  What is this moment for you? 

Do you know your power of chaos, your power of perception, your power of choice?  Do you Know who you are?  This is your work. 

It is all within you, Master.  This you have been learning and now this you live.  It is your Flow that determines your moment.  When you are in Flow, you are in Mastery, you are in Empowerment, you are in Creativity.  You are in the natural current of Life; creating, changing, moving and yet still within time.  See this in your perception, for it is your creative foundation.  You perceive, you choose, you perceive, you choose.  Your perception is like a still photograph, a moment captured in time.  From this marker, you choose and new direction begins.  It’s so engrained in life that you overlook it, not seeing the forest for the trees.  You have not believed that your choice is that powerful, for your need for proof has deterred the understanding.  When you choose, you release control to the whole, for you do not create alone, you choose alone and create with All Life.  All forces have their opposites; it is the reflection of Life.  The singularity (you) requests through vibrational emanation and the Whole responds.  It responds because All Life is connected, and yet your singularity is True, too (two).  Singularity is two?  How could it not Be?  That is the 11.  The reflection in form is formed, yet ever forming (the echo). 

Empowerment Within is you allowing the natural functionality of Life to Flow to you, through you, with you and without you.  When you Trust the natural Flow of Life, you create with ease.  You have no need of fear, for you see beyond the chaos of the moment into the Knowledge of Life.  Here you see the trees and the forest.  The Master Knows All is Well, for Life balances itself.  The Master Knows the details are forming by natural response to energy; at once silent and melodic.  The details - infinitely complex; yet as simple as Love.  Love Knows when response is needed.  Love Knows when support is needed.  Love Knows when space is needed.  This is your work.  Relax into Love, Master, for the reflection presents volumes to you.

Perceive Love.  Choose Love.  From that simplicity you will see the Truth of chaos.  You will feel the ease of information.  You will recognize the benevolence in all experience no matter the outward expression.  You are eternal and you are now.  Embrace both and your reflection is formed, ever forming.  Life becomes the codes that nourish you, the codes that excite you, the codes that remind you, the codes that Love you.  The forest is revealed.  11.  You are home.

As we sit to Blast Empowerment Within, we are accepting the full flow of the codes that call us.  We are remembering through All Time the Truth of who we are.  We are not just One, but Two as One-unending; Self and the reflection, Self and All.  We are Free within our perception and focused in our choice.  We are the Masters we’ve been waiting for, (four) formed.  We are seeing the reflection through the perception of Love, our True Power.  We are the strength that nourishes the moment, nurturing the new world through our powerful Being.  The chaos is your playground.  Are you having fun yet?  Blast on!

November 3, 2011



This is a time of magnetic significance.  We are moving into an Earth time phase of increased human potential that you have been preparing for over many years.  For some it was a conscious preparation and for others there was much occurring beneath the surface as you now become aware.  Over these years of preparation, you have been clarifying your intent and courage, exercising your creative potential and focus, and learning the ins and outs of Divine Human Being.  As you discover the Truth of who you are, magnificent magnetic Love in physical expression, you recognize your innate ability to effect change in your world through your True Power, Love.  It has been a reconciling of the erroneous teachings, the effect of time on manifestation, the interaction of the will of your human self, Higher Self and cooperative sharing of Life with all the Angels on Earth.  As you blaze the trail of Loving Life courageously through all its varied facets, you have come to know the value of all expression, all experience and the Universal Flow of Life, which is inherently benevolent.  Here we pause in a moment of rest as we hold a powerful catalyst in focus – Asking.

Why Asking, you may ask? ;o)  Why not commanding if I’m such a powerful Creator – I command my reality!  That is Well and True, Powerful One, but let us look fully at the meaning and then you’ll clarify your intent and use them interchangeably, for most assuredly, this is a time of Empowerment.  When you Ask, you put an intent to learn and expand out into the etheric field.  Your emanations have an imprint upon the unseen field around you that beckons response.  This is why those that have been preparing for years have become aware of their intentions and belief systems that silently radiate a signal into their creations.  When you become astute, you recognize your own beliefs and intentions reflected back to you in all you experience.  When you Ask, you receive an answer, whether informational, material or experiential.  In the energetic of Asking, you are open to possibility and Flowing Freely with potential; you are beckoning, and the response is resonant energy – also Flowing Freely with potential.  Thus what you emit and receive becomes co-creative and expanding.

All things have their duality within, for the engine of duality is part of the dynamic of Life on Earth that makes it such a fertile playground.  Without it, the clarification would lack definition for refinement, though duality is not the Whole picture, just part of the reflection.  For the sake of clarification, we will define the dual nature of Commanding and Asking, so that as you utilize each one, you are clear about the full intent of your creation. 

When you command, there can be a rigidness to it that indicates the energy of fear, doubt, or belief in overpowering to create.  When you create from the inflexible energetic of commanding, be sure that commanding is necessary.  Certainly you recognize that sometimes commanding is the wisdom choice.  There are times when your inflexibility to accept abuse or dominion is best served with a command.  At other times, as you command, you limit creation through false control, when what you are truly intending is to allay a fear or fill a lack.  It doesn’t matter if your intent is courageous or hidden cowardice, as long as your awareness is clear.  If you find yourself aware of creating through fear, be proud and joyful that you have the courage and clarity to recognize it and choose anew. 

The energy of Asking has its dual nature as well.  When you Ask with the openness of the excitement of creating and a clear Knowing that the timing, progression and outcome is not only perfect, but will bring expansion; Life becomes a joyful experience of wonderment, peace and Love for All.  When things seem to be stalled or changing paths, you don’t observe failure, you look clearly without fear at the possibilities in front of you.  You are aware that you may need to clarify or participate with some challenging experiences, but when you are open and conscious, you create without resentment or resistance.  Thus what was challenging becomes empowering, what would be deemed as lack becomes an open vessel, what others would judge as failure becomes a step along a path of creation that benefited in ways perhaps known and unknown, but valuable nonetheless.  To appreciate the other side of the coin, are you Asking from a stance of disempowered belief in your ability to create?  When you Ask with doubt in your self-worth and capability, that energy of fear, distrust and manipulation is embedded in the energy of creation.  When you give your power over to another because you don’t believe that you can handle responsibility, your own ability to respond is limited.  As you ask and create from this disempowered state of Being, you are open to being overpowered by those of resonance to overpower. 

There is no judgment in the intent behind Asking or Commanding, it is merely answered with like energy.  Here we strengthen our understanding of our own intent with Asking.

As we sit to Blast Asking, we are enhancing our Divine childlike wonderment of the joy of Life on Earth.  We are becoming ever clearer in our intent to hold the energetic resonance of the New Age of Love, as we Love ourselves so dearly that we overflow with the resonance of Love for All Life.  We are recognizing the empowering difference and similarity between Asking and commanding and utilizing both as our innate wisdom guides.  We ARE the resonance of Love, creating the new world within and aligning with a life of freedom, joy, capability and Love.  This is what you’ve been preparing for, now place your order and receive even more than you imagined possible.  Blast on!

October 27, 2011



The unity of the systems of All Life is a beautiful gift to those that see beyond the form into the yet unformed.  There awaits your opportunity to inform.  What instructions will you give the future, not yet formed?  Time is formless in its nature, it experiences form through you.  Your time passed formed you; your past informs this now moment.  Your future is yet unformed, pure potential.  It is your choice in this now moment that creates from potential, shifting the influence of the past.  You can only choose in the now; this is the power of now, this is the importance of being here now, for if your choice is limited by the burden of the past or fear of the future, you are not fully in the now. 

Your future awaits the alchemy of your powerful choice in this now moment. There is nothing more powerful.  You Know this Truth.  The choice for compassion, the choice for joy, the choice for a boundary that serves the nourishment of more than just the ease of now is what changes the future.  That is the wisdom choice, for the expanse of broad perspective (wisdom) sees through time to the choice that brings the greatest win/win solution. 

As a formless construct, time is an interaction on the subtle planes.  You can not poke it with your finger but you can perceive it with your powerful heart/mind.  Do you perceive it as beneficial, burdensome, overpowering or responsive?  Our mind is dependent upon time to analyze, for it uses comparison and categorization to choose.  Comparison and categorization are beneficial when they are used to serve growth and creativity, yet you have the choice to allow them to restrict your flow with self-degradation or fear.  Comparison through right or wrong allows the ‘wrong’ of someone else to pull you from the power of your joy to create.  Is political drama getting you down or inspiring you to create in joy?   Can you handle observing something undesired and still stay in your power?  Creating joy from the opposite requires the focus to see beyond the form of the moment into the potential of the future.  The Inherent Pull of Life is Love, that is our unseen, yet palpable, Divine Nature.  When you Know the engine of life is supporting you, you Allow the momentum. 

Forgiving Time?  Forgiveness is a vehicle; it is motion, it is choice, it is creative because it is directed out.  With the action of Forgiveness you are forcing that which is within and undesired/unbeneficial, out for renewal.  This is an act of creating the new.  It’s a form of alchemy - rapid movement (transformation through directed momentum) for something that would otherwise decay slowly. 

In this moment we alchemize Time.  We do not obliterate it, that is not possible, for it is a valuable and intrinsic part of Life on Earth.  We transform within, we integrate.  By containing All Time, we become Timeless, no longer bound by the past or future, but free to be in the now with complete ease of flow between past, present and future.  The past is appreciated.  The future is trusted.  The present becomes full of potential and ripe for the choosing. 

Forgiving Time is merely the act of releasing any unspoken or unresolved issues with time and opening to empowered, Loving interaction with All Time.  Time has been and will continue to become more fluid and understood through our perception rather than the one-track linearity of past was, present is, future will be.  Those aspects will still be there, just not as separate and solid as they used to be.  As we integrate more of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Wholeness, we will begin to experience Time Wholeness.  Our interactions will become fuller.  For example, with the food you eat, you will become more aware of its past and its effect on your future and you will find yourself making different food choices because the All Time of that food will be in your awareness.  This will begin to shift how you interact with people and the many different choices you’ll be making in your life.  We are becoming more circular with time, not just in the esoteric knowledge of everything is happening now, but really living everything IS happening now because All Time is Now.  The future will still be experienced in the future, you’ll just have more awareness of it as necessary in the now.  This serves empowerment and creativity as you become more self-sufficient in your creative abilities and more aware of your effect on the whole.  Choice.

As we sit to blast Forgiving Time, we are releasing blocks of the past and of the future that inhibit our Full Flow with the powerful Now.  We are opening our perception and our awareness to the fullness of time in all moments.  We are embracing the ability to choose with the wisdom of the past and the future in the now.  We are becoming Whole in our interaction, patient and appreciative of linearity.  We are remembering and creating simultaneously within the essence of All Time rather than the story of the past and the future.  We are observing the world around us and healing/Loving a moment (All Time) within, thereby creating a new future track of experience.  We are recognizing that All Time is within us in a moment, just as All Life is.  Blast on!

October 20, 2011



We are moving into alignment with our Fullness.  This is a process of expansion; expansion of knowledge, expansion of perception, expansion of compassion.  The middle road expands to contain All.  This could be called integration, inclusion, understanding or Oneness.  We are opening to see the Whole picture, the unseen, the potential, the unity that contains the separation.  The Divine Balance, the Sacred Marriage.  It is within you, it is all around you.  You are unique, whole unto yourself and united with All Life.  As we progress the expansion, the connection through time, we are culminating to specific markers, like a graduation or a marriage is just a ceremony, yet it has effect and all that leads up to it progresses through steps.  It is the way of nature, and we as Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds and most importantly, humans; are becoming our True Nature. 

This time of Wholeness is the union between our Divine Masculine nature and our Divine Feminine nature.  This union is the fulcrum of creation, and as we unite into our Wholeness, Wholeness forms more easily around us.  The path is one of recognition and remembrance, as we internally perceive (re-cognize) the Whole Truth, allow it to gestate within and birth it out into the world around us.  The remembrance is the internal mechanism of Oneness and Divinity, the eternal Being exploring all facets; and the remembrance is the external mechanism as humans recognize the Truth you emanate as Whole, familiar (familial) and expand themselves through a resonant bond.  As the resonance is recognized, the union is remembered and the Whole becomes aware.  It is the path of those that seek to Know thyself, that they remember ever so much more than mere Self. 

Being One, it is Being Life.  Life is what you create and you do this through the eternal moment-by-moment cycle of birth, interaction, death; then begin again refreshed and renewed, ready for the next cycle, for the interaction has inspired improvement.  Creativity continues with the inspiration.  This is why focusing on improvement, focusing on the pleasant, focusing on creating in joy; is so powerful.  You see quite clearly that it is not the only way to create, as many create with greed and fear.   However, Life is intelligently designed to continue and to improve, as even destruction is saturated with Life as decomposition feeds renewal.  Anger, fear and greed can create, but what will it inspire within the Whole?  Unseen or unspoken in a moment, but interacting nonetheless, the interaction with the Whole has effect.  Free Will is honored without judgment, but it is honored for All Life equally, though you may not hear or see it in the moment.  Thus through the interaction, begins the decay, that the Whole system is fed. 

Through the wisdom of compassion, a single Being feeds recognition and remembrance into the system and the system reacts.  2 or more begin to gather and momentum builds.  Hatred and anger can unite, but they will trigger a recognition and remembrance of separation and the Whole system will not inspire new creation resonant with that vibration.  See the Whole.  Hear the silent Truth.  Hatred cries, ‘I want to Know (recognize) myself, but I can’t (remember) because I’m in pain/fear.’ Integrate through compassion for All Life, even the hatred and anger.  It is a mechanism that can inspire Love.  Forgiveness cleanses the system and Love is remembered.  Here is a moment.  What will you choose? 

As we sit to Blast Being One With Life, we are recognizing our connection to All, courageously plumbing the depths of separation seeking Unity.  We are recognizing the support of the Whole, though silent and unseen to the external for a time.  We are embracing the opposite as the reflection of the Whole, recognized through the grace of separation and interaction.  We are recognizing our strength to take Life deep within through the inspiration of renewal and expansion of Love.  We hold the memory of Love within the sacred space of the heart, embracing All Life as family.  We remember that All Life contains the seed of Divinity that awaits the Love that nourishes its growth.  We are that Love.  Blast on!

October 13, 2011



We are in the final weeks before the 11/11/11 and gearing up for a powerful activation and opening.  More and more we are being called to our Divine disposition so that we are emanating through the example of balance within chaos.  As Lightworkers and Wayshowers, we are integrating the final pieces and parts that have wisely inhibited full flow of Divine Grace.  Wisely inhibited?  Of course.  If it was not beneficial for the improvement of life, it would have been different.  As healing and learning progresses in stages, we savor each part and apply it to the Whole.  You are inherently Divine.  You need not earn it, but as you actively remember it in all situations, you remind others of their Divinity within, you show a new way of Being in the world, but not of it.  As we blaze the trail of Love, increase our stamina and seed new solution in old energy, we are enhancing the flow of Divine Being.  It is a sweet space.

Chaos is a free space.  Its etymology relates it back to chasm/abyss/open space.  Divine Potential, emptiness – is where new life begins to form.  This is the great teaching of Buddha.  The Nothingness is the Everything, and Everything has Nothingness within it, for all life changes.  This emptiness/nothingness is potential (which is everything-ah, the circle of life!).  Life is Flow, and when you are not polarized to good or bad, you are free within potential.  It is here that choice begins to create form.  Chaos, embodied in Love. 

Knowing is a state of Being.  It is not the accumulation of facts through books or teachers, it goes beyond facts from others, though there is definitely value in books and teachers.  When you Know, you have the power of application.  It’s not just a logical understanding of what the context of words mean, it’s a deep feeling of Being One with those words, that they become applicable in your life.  So if it’s a mathematical formula, it’s not just a memorization of 7x8=56, but a deep understanding of multiplication.  Therefore, your thinking mechanism must go beyond factual memorization and open to conceptual understanding.  The singular becomes connected to a Whole which applies back to singularity.  The circle of Life continues with your Knowing.  Divinity flourishes on Earth as you offer it to others through Knowing your powerful Love, Knowing their inherent value and providing nourishment for Divinity to grow with forgiveness, empowerment and visionary creativity. 

As we sit to Blast Knowing Divinity, we are remembering Who We Are.  We are accessing the Divine Truth within every cell and space between every cell of our magnificent Being.  We are embracing All with our empowered space of Love in a Heart so wide open that all that echoes is a reflection of Grace.  We are shining the Light of Love into the dark with a Joy that saturates even the farthest corner.  We are nourishing Love in the sweet space of freedom, the emptiness, the non-expectation, for All is Well.  Divine One, there is no chasm that can separate Knowing.  Blast on!

October 6, 2011



Here we meet Allowing again.  It is a powerful, wise and open state of being.  The power comes from knowing you are resilient and capable, it’s the confidence that appreciates your limitlessness and your limitations.  The wisdom comes from access to multiple perspectives and discernment of what benefits you, others and the future.  Openness comes from trust that all is well and improving, as Love and change are the inherent pull of life.  One who allows, knows their capability so clearly that life can swirl into experience without fear of loss.  This is the power of vulnerability.  When you know your True Nature, you know there is no loss, only the perspective of loss.   Enter Truth. 

Truth is personal and changes along with you, it is your unique perspective.  The wise one interacts with the truths of others and allows them not only to be, but to teach.  It is received, observed through the inbuilt systems of discernment and processed with detachment as beneficial or not.  Thus the truths of others do not overpower, they merely assist in enhancing your own flowing truth.  The state of allowance supports the calm stillpoint of internal recognition.  As you appreciate the value in all truths, the fluid nature of truth is allowed proper flow and the future moment is nourished rather than resisted.   

Your heart speaks truth through emotion and emotion is a library of information in a succinct category.  Everything is a subset of Love as it all contains a thread of Love; from the emotions that seem similar like reverence and appreciation to the ones that seem so opposite like hate and fear.  Within the experience of hate or fear there is opportunity to find forgiveness and empowerment, to name a few.  Forgiveness is a love-flow mechanism and empowerment is a love-creation mechanism.  As you listen to the quiet voice of the heart, you allow compassion to open you to multiple perspectives, viewing truth through the eyes of another, through the eyes of fear, through the eyes of lack.  What do you feel now?  It’s no longer hatred, it’s Love in its myriad forms for one that is yet too afraid to see or behave past their pain.  That’s the wisdom to see the complete information, not just the words that were spoken or the actions taken. 

As we sit to Blast Allowing Truth, we are remembering that our power is within and it is the thread of Love that unites All.  We are finding our peace within chaos to allow the truth of the heart to be heard.  We are recognizing that others that lie or manipulate are speaking the best truth they can in the moment and supporting them through exemplifying authenticity and sovereignty.  We are widening our wisdom to encompass the truth of Love as it creates the world anew.  We are beckoning the new world with the call of Love.  Blast on!

September 29, 2011



The third week of release.  We began with releasing shame, shamans.  That opened the life giving flood gates of vast emotional release.  Here, we culminate these weeks into the wisdom and compassion that the fiery catalyst of Forgiveness brings.   Forgiveness is a bold choice.  It takes courage to look at pain and find forgiveness.  It takes courage to stop a pattern of abuse and begin a pattern of healing.  It takes courage to stand strong with your boundaries and boundless with your Love.  It is the courageous ones that seek to find Forgiveness, for it is internal, sometimes progressed through over time and only complete when you are free from resentment and resistance. 

The power of forgiveness is massive.  The actual act of Forgiveness brings new life.  It brings new life because without Forgiveness, the pattern of offense continues spinning.  Perhaps there’s a slightly different tone to it, but the song is the same. We see this effect with war.  It may seem as if the enemy has been conquered, but the whole truth is the enemy is suppressed for a time until the reaction to suppression is fully formed.  So then, there is a seed beneath the surface that is unseen, yet rooting deeply until the strength to break the soil is acquired.  Because the reaction to suppression is yet unseen, it can be ignored, and ignorance rules.  Ignored is that the ‘enemy’ is also that which is ‘in me.'  Forgiveness brings new action instead of reaction.

Forgiveness has the same effect of form unseen.  When you forgive, you release the limitation within you that formed through an offense, whether it was an intentional offense or not.  This is a limitation because there is something within that is ‘holding’ pain, like a hand gripped in a fist.  The movement is limited unless you release the grip.  It could be the grip of powerlessness, fear, anger, sorrow; ah, I see again why we did Emotional Healing last week.  To align more with flow/allowing/letting go/peace.   When you release the limitation of holding onto an offense, the ‘offense’ then becomes one of learning (wisdom) and active Love (compassion).  The mirror of negativity becomes a reflection of your grace, your strength, your power of Love.   Form unseen requires wisdom to foresee (formseed) the possibilities of the effect on the future.  It requires the trust that beneath the surface, life is growing anew.  It requires the compassion to alchemize hurt into healing, so that new life is nurtured in love and bursts through to a world of plentiful freedom.

10/01 is a code, Lightworker.  1 is a new beginning in form.  It is more succinctly put as a new idea (air).  Idea requires trust, wisdom and action to form.  0 is infinite potential.  It is the All, yet unformed; but real, as all form must be potential before it is even idea.  Here we see the codes of reflection that are inherent in all life, as duality is an engine, not a mistake or a hurdle.  It propels continual motion, you see this reflected in life.  Integration is what moves it into new form, otherwise it circles until it is consumed, decay.  In the year of 2011, the 10/01 is a gateway of HUGE potential.  That which seems so far apart is connected through the quantum potential.  What will you choose to potentiate into form?

You, Lightworker, are that potential, birthing new form with your courage to forgive.  You see beyond the loud voice of the moment and hear the silent pain beneath.  You nurture that adeptly within the bold power of Forgiveness.  You give new path to life.  New sprout to Love to feed generations to come.  New answer to the question, why? Why?  Because now we Know.  

Forgiveness is not just for people that have hurt you or others, but for concepts as well.  As I was writing this, no more words would come, only tears, though there was no specific pain coming up.  I knew I had to go do forgiveness work.  What I thought would be people-related also became concept related.  If I have the power to forgive deception as a whole, then I am no longer ‘gripping’ its opposite or fortified against it, no matter who presents it to me.  It is a choice, I am well with that and flowing easily in life without holding onto hurt from deception.  I then appreciate all aspects of life without polarization.  I integrate and it moves through, eventually into new form.  See where forgiving concepts takes you.  It happens anyway, bit by bit, but our wise awareness of the concepts behind action (unseen) facilitates great movement (flow) forward.   

As we sit to Blast Forgiveness, the catalyst of our Love saturates new solution.  We are actively forming new life in Love while wisely watering the seeds of compassion and awareness.  We are powerful from within, emanating out the elixir that transforms.  We are bravely connected, embracing all life as valuable, even in a moment of pain.  We are the wayshowers of the power of love, not afraid of lack of Love, for we know that within, we transmute lack into plentiful learning.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for; remembering, focusing, reminding others just by allowing Love to flow gloriously in all its forms.  Blast on!

September 22, 2011



We are preparing for a massive opening with the 11/11/11.  Neptune is nurturing the salty disappointments, fears, misperceptions and abuses that have separated us from ourselves, each other and the full creative flow of Love.  Within the depths are the last vestiges of disconnection reaching out to be embraced in the powerful strength of forgiveness and love.  You see it in the eyes, you feel it in the heart; the gushing relief of I love you just as you are.  I love you just as you are.  Freedom.  How many people around the world don’t really know that?  I Know it through and through, and yet a moment of release beckons and I momentarily forget within the pain, increasingly more adept at remembering through the pain instead of just after. 

Emotions are our stories.  They are volumes of information in a compact little container of sorrow, fear, frustration, joy, creativity or love.  Through emotion we relive time past, the pain of another and the hope of the future.  Emotions are meant to flow like water (and time), or they stagnate and the life force, as stagnate water exemplifies, diminishes.  Water that is overwhelmed with toxins also does not support healthy life force.  Apply this to your emotional life and you will see the wisdom of our connection with earth.  Movement, sun and air flow keep the life force of water fresh.  As you apply this to your own life, the air energy relates to your intellect.  Your ability to mentally choose a perspective, solution, forgiveness and learning is the revitalizing ‘air’ that replenishes the flow of emotion.  It is creative thought.  You are creating your reality with it, breath by breath. 

Healing the emotions is supporting their flow.  Allow the cleansing freedom of forgiveness to open your heart.  Allow the strengthening deluge of empowerment to maintain boundaries that support your safety and flexibility.  Allow the refreshing wisdom of Love to nourish your life forward.  All Is Well, and awaiting your receiving of the bounty that resides below the surface.  In healthy flow all emotions serve the greater good.  Avoidance of the challenging emotions stagnates, just as avoiding the positive ones does.  Be authentic with what you are feeling and wise with its flow, that you don’t flood another unnecessarily or harm yourself by damning flow.  Spelling intended.  As you vilify anger, you resist a positive turn toward empowerment; anger is not harmful when wisely expressed with the compassion of benefit for all.  Sometimes another is to learn that no is an acceptable answer.  Such is the same with all ‘negative’ emotions, they have their positive benefit when allowed flow; even de Nile supports life for those that respect its flow.  Denial protects the psyche until its ready, are you ready to go with the flow?

As we sit to Blast Emotional Healing, we are opening the flood gates of freedom to a rich and fertile creative Life.  We are supporting ourselves with the wisdom of authentic flow and nurturing the flow of others with boundaries that support the expansion of life without limiting the flow of Love.  We are becoming well with our earthly nature and remembering our Divinity in each reflection.  We are surfing when there are waves, diving deep to remove the wreckage that turns out to be treasure and floating peacefully in the salty, abundant  sea.  Emotions become play, even in moments of pain, as we embrace the support that is available to us and appreciate the movement of release.  Life nourishes you daily, Divine One.  Drink it in.  Blast on!

September 15, 2011



We come to a few weeks of release to prepare for great expansion.  The contraction, the going within, the choice that gives direction and momentum to life formed anew.  It is the bold choice.  Look around you at the human angels that reflect your Divinity to you.  Do you notice that you move faster?  Do you notice that you move easier?  Do you notice that you love them more, even in challenge?  This is the way of it.  As you Love yourself more, you Love All more.  Remember that as we go within to the darkest place, warrior.  The place of shame.  You do not go alone, for there are legions with you.  They celebrate you in timeless wonder and Love.  Knowing each choice you’ve ever made as valuable to the improvement of Life.  Knowing you as the brilliant Light of Love that you are. 

There is a strength within that the empaths know.  It says, I carry you.  It says, I understand and I carry you.  Even if we go to the place of shame, I carry you.  For within shame is the deepest reflection of courage.  Have you the courage to see beauty when it does not smell sweet?  Have you the courage to see innocence in judgment or hatred? Have you the courage to see Love when pain would roar, seeking to separate?  You are the empath.  You are the warrior.  It’s time to let go of the burdens you carry and teach others to carry Love for All through Love of self. 

There is a beautiful quote by John Bradshaw on the difference between guilt and shame. “Guilt says I've done something wrong; shame says there is something wrong with me. Guilt says I've made a mistake; shame says I am a mistake. Guilt says what I did was not good; shame says I am no good."  You see within this clear example that shame is an intense and abusive perspective.  It is self imposed, for you either allow shame or not.  If you have allowed it in the past, allow it to teach you now that you are Love, Loved and Loving; alchemizing shame into the reflection of Grace Empowered.  You are cradled in the arms of the Divine until you are sufficiently nourished.  You are walked next to, guided by the Divine until you are sufficiently strong.  You are cheered onward tirelessly and timelessly.  You are Known. 

Light is an active, powerful force.  Darkness is receptive to the Light.  It relinquishes to even the smallest spark.  You have that spark within you, it is the spark of Divinity that in truth is already a bonfire!  But here we go, warrior, into the darkness to bring the Light of the Truth of Who You Are to any speck of shame.  You are Divine Light in human form, formed, forming. 

As we sit to Blast Releasing Shame, we are igniting the spark of Love and bursting forth in a dynamic display of color and light!  We are remembering that what we once perceived as less than is really an opportunity for more Love and courage than before.  We are accessing the strength of will and the Truth of our Divinity to release any forgotten wounds that limited flow.  We are courageous enough to go within, for it is the foundation for the impulse expanding out.  We are shining brighter and bolder than ever before as we Know we are Divine through and through; equal to All in Source Beingness, unique in our courage to Love Life in all its forms and nurture them in the elixir of Love.  With that comes the strength to carry on, empath.  Blast on!