Weekly LightBlast

March 31, 2011



We are entering a great time of Empowerment.  You see it all around you on the world stage, though  it often looks like discord in the beginning.  Sometimes the old must be knocked over before the new can be built.  Sometimes it’s difficult circumstances that gather world focus towards compassion through great challenge. Maintain your focus as much as possible and Know that All is Well, even if some time must pass as things shift. 

Another Within.  Here we see the reaction to the suppression of the Truth within.  Within you.  So  important.  For within you, you experience the world.  Within you, you perceive the world.  Within you, you decide how to interact with the world.  Thus, within you, you create your world.  What new world are you building? 

The word ‘an-other’ breaks down to ‘without-other.’

You could view this as ‘only me,’ which is correct.  There is even physical proof.  You are the only person in your body.  You are the only you that is in this world.  You are even separate from children you have birthed that share your DNA.  You don’t live in their body thinking their thoughts. 

Yet there is an additional interpretation that is also correct.  ‘Without-other’ means there is not truly separation, for we are all united.  All that we do effects others.  A look of disdain can be just as powerful as a look of Love.  One look and we are with the other, sometimes for life. 

The system of life on earth is intelligently designed to be interactive.  We are born of Source Energy and through life we actualize Source Energy in its many diverse forms.  We perceive form around us and we create within as we make decisions with our focus, our actions and our reactions.  The world of interaction begins within and emanates out. 

Who is the other within if we are not completely separate? 

It is All. 

Within you is Source Energy, the infinite beginning and ending in one form.  Within you is earth energy, for you are of the same elements in different form, dependent upon its fruit for your sustainment.   You are of human energy, for your thoughts, words and deeds are the mix that make life experience.  Within you is all other and no other, the duality exposed in the house of mirrors as a mere reflection of grace in distinctive form.  Within you is the capacity to transform the world around you with Love Reflected; for self, for others, for All.  Your choice.

This moment is your gateway, for it is presenting information that is beckoning your force of Love to embrace it back into the Oneness, back into Acceptance, back into Worth.  Within your own heart, the call is made.

Another Within speaks to your grace, your calling.  Another Within is your recognition of your Source Origin, your Love Reflected.  You are a sovereign being with choice in each moment.  You are a powerful transducer of Love.  You are the interpretation of your unique perspective of the All.

As we sit to Blast Another Within, we are remembering our innate ability for compassion in challenge.  We are recognizing that unique is a beautiful gift and connection is a beautiful bridge.  We are beginning to transition our perception from hatred to understanding and from fear to courage.  We are becoming the ending and the beginning.  We are Allowing others their choices, for the call of the Love Within us is the magnetic force that embraces pain and joy with equal empowerment.  We are remembering that we have never been alone, never been forsaken and never been anything less than treasured in every choice we have ever lived.  We are recognizing our immense value, for it is US that transforms the world.  That begins Within.  Blast on!

March 24, 2011



What comes before occupation is Preoccupation. ;o) What precedes your future moments – worry, control, understanding, Trust? I find it funny that occupation is a job and something that happens to a country that has been invaded. What does that say about the general nature (aha – general!) of work? It’s like someone outside of us took over our sovereignty. In many ways, it is as if your sovereignty is lost when you are Preoccupied. You’re worried, which means you’re not Trusting, which means you feel the need to control things outside of yourself, which means you’re not at Peace, etc. Being Preoccupied is not a pleasant state, it’s a state of mind function that is not helping you create what you want, its blocking access to what you want.

We’ve spoken before about how this is a more potent time for creating and manifesting, as we’ve moved to yet another new level of Creatorship early in the year. This will continue. It’s time now to utilize our mind function to support us, or allow it to block us from the beautiful life and world we can create just by remaining Open and Loving. It takes work sometimes. Doh! There it is! The occupation!

The difference is when work becomes play rather than drudgery. It’s easy to get bogged down in the perspective of personality annoyances, superfluous drama or just plain old boringness because its socially acceptable. That manifests in all different types of ways. I remember being in line at the grocery store and the cashier was singing his heart out (interesting expression!). He was moving quickly, not holding up the line at all, just enjoying his time there as he rang up my items. The lady behind me was so upset that she said to him, ‘I work at a mental hospital and I have already diagnosed you with four separate disorders!’ You can bet she wasn’t having fun at work, and its likely she was also rather ineffective since her own mental state was so abusive towards others, thus repeating a cycle of disempowerment over and over within her life. Therefore, as we focus our mind and life towards enjoyment, we are opening to a new cycle of Joy rather than toil.

Preoccupation serves to disrupt the Flow in your life from Joyful creation. I’ve certainly had days where the Preoccupation is harder to overcome, but I now find that the focus is easier with the Trust that Peace is around the corner, even though it’s not accessible in this moment. I make the effort to cease the worry and negative mind chatter as soon as I can and find a perspective or action that will open me to Flow.

As we sit to Blast Preoccupation, we are releasing the fears that block us from Knowing and feeling All Is Well. We are allowing others to live their lives as they see fit and maintaining our focus on change for the better. We are creating our future by allowing the Flow of Good to nourish our budding creations. We are freeing ourselves from the need to control outside circumstances and the frustration that comes from not knowing when or how we will get the entire world to cooperate. We are clearing limiting beliefs from our energetic field and creating a cycle of empowerment that builds momentum towards positive change. We are letting go of worry and stepping into the Mastery of Knowing, even in the face of the unknown. We are Trusting. We are Peaceful. We are Powerful. In Joy. Blast on!

March 17, 2011



Here we are at Freedom again. I feel like I should just write ‘Blast on,’ we’ve done it so many times! But I accept that it is here for a reason and I certainly recognize my own need to continue to work towards Freedom. My mind doesn’t fully have it, nor does my heart. Do I feel more of it than I did before, absolutely. But I want it all, y’all! If I look at what has changed within me in regards to Freedom, I’d say I have more Trust, more Peace, more Joy. None of those are my experience at all times; however, I see improvement. Do you?

Trust gives you Freedom because you don’t have to worry about the how, should I, what if, etc. You have a knowing that All Is Well, you understand that life is constantly working towards improvement for you, you know that you will get the signals when it is time for action, rest, your mind is working against you, etc. Trust is understanding the way creating this life works on an unseen level while participating in the seen. You’re Trusting yourself, you’re Trusting the Laws of Nature/Physics/Attraction, you’re Trusting the Universe to support you while evidence won’t be forthcoming for some time and you’re not exactly sure of all the details. It’s something I find myself vacillating with as my mind wanders back into times of frustration and old world views from the past and applying them (via worry) into the future. So Trust is still a work in progress, but there is progress!

Peace. That one confused me for awhile. I was resistant to it because I didn’t want to become bored or boring or lacking ambition. Peace isn’t monotone. It’s as intricate as a symphony. You can laugh heartily and still be at Peace. You can sit quietly and still not be at Peace! Part of being Peaceful was coming to terms with my inability to sit and meditate quietly for long periods of time. It’s just not who I am, and yet Peace, Divine Connection and Openness are still available to me, they just come in different forms – like walking in nature. Peace is a state of feeling, while Trust seems to begin as a state of thinking. Perhaps Trust is a building block of Peace. For instance, I had to work to shut down my mind that was telling me I should be ‘doing’ something – the house isn’t clean enough, etc. I had to learn to Trust the moment, Trust my inspiration. Through the ascension process I found many days where I was so fatigued that I couldn’t keep up with errands. I learned to allow myself to spend the day on the couch because I learned that the energy comes another day and it’s ok to allow rest, even when things aren’t ‘perfect’ around you. Finding Peace entailed shifting priorities and Trusting that All Is Well enough that I actually believed it!

Joy. Now it is more a natural state rather than the opposite of feeling negative. It used to be that I had to occupy my mind to find Joy, I needed the outer stimulation to find it. While outer stimulation can certainly grant me access to it, it is less of a reaction to lack of Joy on the inside. I believe that comes with the feeling of Peace and the Trust that All Is Well and improvement is on the way. In many ways, Joy requires attention to be fully activated, otherwise it is content to remain Peaceful. Joy calls you into participation, it enlivens and propels. While there is an element of Peace within that, Joy brings Peace into movement.

I notice progress with the experience of Trust because I Know I can find my way back there, it’s just a perspective away – as with Peace and Joy. There are infinite nuances to Freedom, but here we refine our focus to see where we are not feeling Free. Are you feeling more Trust, Peace and Joy in your life? Are you ok when you’re not, even though it doesn’t feel good in that moment?

As we sit to Blast Freedom, we are recognizing our sovereignty from our mind chatter and yet Know that we can Allow it to be when it seems too strong to overcome. A new moment always arrives. We are understanding that the Laws of the Universe work so well for us that we just need to Love where we are, even in challenge, and change for the better moves faster. We are releasing the fears and doubts that keep our mind fixated on negativity and our heart blind to new possibility. We are opening to the complete Knowing that All Is Well, even in a moment that doesn’t seem perfect. We are Living our Divine Nature and creating the new world in each moment, Trusting that Peace and Joy are not only available, but waiting for us to arrive. Blast on!

March 10, 2011



Am I. Formed as a question, but this time speaks to Knowing, not asking. The question asked is simultaneously answered. You are. One person among billions, and yet, you are. Your value is unfathomable. The vast Love and Appreciation for you unseen, often unfelt, but enfolding each cell of your Being with unwavering dedication, for this is the True Sustenance. You are this, Creator. So valuable that the keys to the kingdom were given to you freely, and never have they been taken away. These keys, held in the grasp of Love, available to you at any moment, grant you access to your Divine Creatorship.

As with any key, there is an understanding of how and where it works and then there is access. From the unseen, this world is One of Love, built upon the silent force that beckons but will never coerce. This is the access point, the initial building block, the master key. Love. Silent, for it needs no voice, it is within all sound, all sentiment. Each word spoken and unspoken transports Love forth, perhaps at times shrouded in rage, disappointment or fear, but there it is – beckoning the True Sustenance. As you open the fist, Love fills the space, holding the hand of fear through the darkest night. Love doesn’t scream for retribution, it heals the wounded heart that beats with yet no knowledge of its own grace and value. It needs but the reflection of forgiveness, understanding and honor to feel that silent call of the Divine. This freedom is granted to you by an entire Universe that knows of your ability to find that pulse of Love, nourish it with soft moments of release that the momentum of Love builds until your drum is thundering forth Love louder than any rage, louder than any retribution, louder than any fear or foe.
This is Who You Are. Love so prevalent and prolific that each atom of each cell, each space between, cheers you silently forward to create, Creator. Your voice is magic. Your attention is powerful. Your ability to Love is limitless and beckons you to your glory. Follow your heart, for it knows you as Love everlasting and reflects a world of Divinity that is inherently YOU. Perfection in all moments, for each moment propels new Love forth. Will you open your hand to receive?

As we sit to Blast Am I, we are answering the call and the question. We are understanding that we are a reflection of Grace - forgiveness, understanding, life anew. We see the answer reflected, Am I/I Am, for there is no other need but to open the heart and receive that which is. We are releasing the fears and disappointments that hardened our heart, fisted our hands and crossed our arms. We open to Love, for as we focus on the perspective of Love and Forgiveness, we open the Flow of Love into our life and out into our world. We are understanding that any challenges are but a momentary experience to a Creator that has access to an unseen force that builds worlds. We are allowing ourselves to Live and Create with Freedom from the past and future through embracing the now as a reflection that summons us to our Mastery. We are remembering that we are Powerful Beings of Love, transforming our world from unseen Grace to the new world of Love and Freedom in form. Blast on!

March 4, 2011



Is there any better way to release? Well, people release in harsh ways often, but we do have a choice. It gets easier and easier.

I see a pattern with the LightBlasts forming over these next few months. Since October I have been seeing the energy overviews through April. It has been shown to me that March will become a time of movement and April continuing to bring pathways and manifestations into form and progress. I haven’t seen anything beyond that, which isn’t scary, it just tells me that we are in such a time of forming and preparing that what follows depends on our focus in these times. February was definitely a marked time of healing and clearing as we continued integrating the powerful surges of the eclipse series and some other energies that have been percolating within and astrologically for many months. Ascension symptoms abounded. These energies are preparing and calling forth our Mastery. I say preparing because to a certain extent you are subject to the tides of collective earthly life, I say calling forth because these tides only ever assist your choice toward new creation, it is you that chooses and then participates in your choice. The pattern that I see forming in the LightBlasts is one of focus and release, focus and release. This is actually nothing new to us, it is the process of ascension. Energies surge, the body adjusts – it’s getting easier to handle in some ways and yet it is greatly increased in speed and intensity.

The most important factor in these times is your Flow. Is your heart open so that Love Flows in your life, is your mind clear and calm enough to allow change to form from the unseen to the seen, is your physical body supported enough to handle these upgrades –resting when you need rest, doing when you have energy and inspiration, eating healthier, drinking water and exercising? You need not have perfection in all things, this is a process.

Look for stringencies in your mind that don’t allow transformation. For instance, thoughts about how wrong it was that you got upset at someone, or how bad that you didn’t have the will power to eat a healthy meal this time, or fear about how you’re going to support yourself financially over time because you’re currently at a limiting job. Thoughts that don’t allow progress towards improvement are out of alignment with the natural quantum laws of the earth. F.O.C.U.S. yourself as soon as you can (Forced Outlook Creating Unlimited Success – don’t resist The Force!). If you’re feeling scared or dejected, acknowledge that. You get to feel that way. Are you going to let a moment in time hold sway over your future, or are you going to find the thread of progress that the Universe not only extends to you unconditionally, but that was built into All Creation? When you realize there is nothing that you have ever done to deserve limiting Flow, you eventually realize nor has anyone else. That person that wronged you or many, that situation that doesn’t seem fair because of disease, death or injustice – Forgiveness is not only available unconditionally from your Source perspective, but serves you physically and emotionally in your life. Forgive and Forget. Move forward and create better with the lessons learned of the past, not continuing to mourn forever and fear that which is no more. Freedom. That is what we are creating. Sometimes you have to F.O.C.U.S on it.

Releasing with Joy. Fabulous. Ultimately in life, does it really matter if release comes in the form of orgasm or vomiting? There really is a season for all things and when you’re nauseous, only vomiting will help! Embrace it all, for you can handle it, you can heal it, you can herald a new world with your continued focus on All Is Well. It’s not denial, it’s perspective. It’s the perspective of I can handle anything and focus towards improvement. It’s the perspective of change for the better is forthcoming, even though I don’t see it right now. It’s the perspective of the time for appropriate action will be recognized because I am in alignment with the Flow of Good. I release that which blocks my flow - rocks of fear, anger, disappointment that I previously housed in my River of Life.

How to Release with Joy in day to day life? Find the perspective of Forgiveness (Source perspective) that opens your heart. Find the perspective of Forgetting that frees your mind. Find the perspective of Fun that moves you to action. Find the perspective of Freedom Within that becomes far more important than ‘justice’ or ‘I must have it now.’ What is just is your Divinity shining forth into your world so brightly that flowers turn toward your Light, the power of the Sun’s sustenance so bright within your heart that the world blooms anew.

As we sit to Blast Release With Joy, we are releasing past pain that kept us lethargic and afraid. We are Allowing Joy to nurture us to grander heights. We are remembering that a perspective of Freedom is available, just waiting quietly for our attention. We are accepting all that has come before as a beautiful gift of learning, appreciative of the lesson and proud of our strength. We are following the joy of our heart’s flow instead of limited supply and demand. We are teaching our mind to focus toward the Flow of Good that the world naturally builds one atom at a time. We are understanding our sovereignty as the Power of our Love to create the new world one flow-er at a time! Blast on!