Weekly LightBlast

April 24, 2014



As you learn to follow your heart, your mind first resists.  You are not taught to value the mind in many ways, merely a portion of its capabilities.  The heart naturally Knows.  The mind naturally interprets, meaning it is faced with data and supports with data, the learned.  That data is often a question, seeking answers.  Why this?  How can I that?  Beautiful Being, your mind is how you connect the known with the unknown.  Celebrate its perfection and stretch beyond its present limitations.  You do this with the heart.  You do this with Love.  You do this with the peace that passes all understanding, into what has not yet been understood.  You are the channel for the unknown birthing into Life.  New Life, through you.

As you interact with people you know well, you expect certain behaviors, certain responses.  You are not often surprised.  Do you know their full potential or do you know their limitation?  Not giving word to the expectation within you, you do not even know that you can call their potential into form.  Your mind, when it follows the heart, will Know the truth of their loving potential.  You will bring forth their most loving behavior into form.  See the Sacred within them and allow its expression into the moment.  You will Know their glory and experience it with your heart and mind.  In that moment, their potential becomes Real.  From the formless, the unknown, into form, into life on earth.  Your heart, your instrument of Knowing, brings forth the potential of Love into form.  You, Lightworker, are weaving the new world into form through your brilliant Knowing of what can be.  Look past the data of what has been, look past the data of what is expected.  Look into the heart of humanity and Know that Love is Real.  Your Knowing, your focus, your fortitude brings it into form.

As we sit to Blast Knowing is Real, we are present in the now moment reading data and Knowing that change is possible.  We are the vehicle of change with our strength of Knowing that Life inevitably evolves to improvement.  We are reminding a world that has forgotten its potential that progress is not only possible, but the engine of Life.  We are open to the present moment of Life, not resisting what has manifested into form because we Know that this moment is the platform of choice to form the future.  We are actualizing the power of free will, which is the open heart choosing Love for true change.  We are the peaceful one that Knows that Love is Real.  Blast on!

April 17, 2014



Sweet Blessed Being, you have within the information around you, the core truths of your experience.  You have written them, remembered them, forgotten them and are rewriting them.  You are created in the image of God because that is what a Creator does, create within the scope of creation itself, expanding.  That is you.  You see this truth in the stars around you, for you are elementally same though your form and function are different.  You see this truth within the reactions around you for you respond with gravity and resistance, shaping movement.  You see around you Life in all forms; from other people, to animals, to plants, to planets and you assume the separation to be real.  And it is.  What is real?  What is true to you and your biological creative mechanism is real.  The now moment is ‘real.’  Your biomechanism touches form, sees form and it becomes real.  You think form and it also becomes real, as when you think the past or future, your body has a chemical response.  What has been forgotten is the forming.  What has been forgotten is the formless form.  The Asking For Answers begins again.  And you create anew.

Separation in your human form, on your earth plane is real, for it is real to this plane of form.  You know there is more to the story - the unity, but you must connect through the separation that is real to your form.  Asking begins inside the self.  There is an observance of the outer, an unknown or ‘disconnect’ on the inner and the connection, the Answer is sought.  The question?  It is you, Creator, connecting the separation.  How deep is your willingness to connect?  Surrender the question to the depths of your core, and your truth responds.  Surrender your truth to the core of Life and the yet unknown, invisible truth responds.  The truth beyond what is known.  The surrender is the Asking, Answer yet unknown.  How often do you Ask, expecting that you already know the answer?  In these instances, you do not fully Ask, nor do you fully open to the Answer.  You merely challenge Life to meet you in the same place.  Your surrender, your openness is part of connecting to the invisible, the unknown, the Answer.  That is moving beyond the circle, spiraling to ever greater expansion. 

Connection, or Answer, or form, is invisible at first.  It is unknown.  Its infinitesimal form speaks to the particles in you that are congruent with its size.  It speaks with your emotions, for they are as minute in form and vast in function as the answer itself.  It speaks to your thoughts, standing just outside the reach of what has already been.  As you open the heart and mind, you expand into new answers.  You create new solution.  You expand Life into brilliant Love. 

As we sit to Blast Asking for Answers, we are aligning our hearts with the pulse of the universe, racing to the passion of creation and the stillness of embrace.  We are freeing our minds of the burdens of the past and opening to the presence of mind that connects Self with Source.  We are reaching beyond the moment into the form of the future as it spins into the catalyst of our Light.  We are the bright beacons of remembrance that uphold grace in the reflection of humanity learning to thrive.  We are the future in the now, evolving past into present creativity, realizing the beauty in the challenges and delights, as we shine ever brighter in Love.  Blast on!

April 10, 2014



When the world is clamoring for your attention in negative ways, it is hard to remember that you are seeing God in human form.  When traumatic events are unfolding, it is hard to remember that you are seeing God in action.  When you observe actions and words that you would Never do or say, it is hard to remember that the Sacred is before you.  And yet it is easy when things feel good.  To look at a joyful child, an innocent animal or a sweet flower, you may easily see the beauty of Life.  There is perfection in the opposites which are merely two parts of the Whole.  Humanity is learning to stretch into new levels of empowerment and compassion, you are a forerunner of this.  In order to find empowerment, you must look within the Self and then interact with the outside world from what is empowering within you.  It is the same with compassion.  True compassion is an empowering act for all.  It is an empathy that requires the strength of knowing when to say yes, when to say no and when to say nothing.  It is a strength of vision that sees another as capable, yet learning – viewing another as Sacred.

Your awareness is a catalyst.  You have been learning this as, ‘your thoughts create,’ but take that deeper into awareness (thoughts, words, actions, inactions, words unsaid, collective agreements, etc.) as you recognize that your electromagnetic awareness is rippling the formless electromagnetic field into form.  You direct your focus to magnetize form.  Your awareness is shaping your experience, bringing form from formless. Your unconscious mind is part of this awareness, as it maintains your beliefs that silently structure your intent.  The electromagnetic field is within you and around you, pulsing constantly with the waves of your conscious and unconscious awareness; or thoughts, words and actions.  An action is an awareness because it is a focused choice.  To move the foot forward one step is a conscious choice.  Your inaction is a conscious choice in this same way.  Your internal choice is your free will. 

When the boss says your work is inadequate, your have the free will to respond any way you choose.  There are consequences to any choice, some call this karma (what you give you receive), some call this physics (for every action/force, there is an equal and opposite reaction/force).  You have the free will to calmly agree, calmly disagree, scream, lie, blame, physically fight – you are free to choose.  Your non-response is a choice, too.  While it may seem as if nothing was transmitted from you, indeed it has been.  It speaks information into the electromagnetic field that is in constant communication, and forming your world.  Your non-response speaks your safety, your confidence, self-worth or the lack thereof.  There is no right or wrong answer to dealing with the boss, only the answer of what is empowering you in the moment and what is not.  If the response is disempowering, you are still going to be called to your empowerment in the next moment and the next and the next.  You are Life, and thus Loved.  You are being called to evolution because Love is always calling you to your greatest potential.  Love already views you as that, so that awareness magnetizes you into new form.  To Life, you are Sacred.  Your free will is Sacred.  Your choices are Sacred.  You are viewed as Sacred and you are the Sacred View through which Life renews on Earth.

As we sit to Blast Sacred View, we are forming Life through the power of our Love, offering change a vehicle to express with the ease of Knowing All is Well.  We are planting new seeds to nurture in the garden of the heart as we lovingly water the soil that sustains with the flow of our prayers.  We are blessing each challenge and each triumph with the gaze of our Knowing that Love is within All experience.  We are viewing All Life in the core of its perfection and simultaneously calling it to its evolution.  We are recognizing the beauty in each step of learning and choosing our thoughts, words and deeds in accordance with our Love of Self, and Love of others.  These two, seeming opposites, are both Sacred in separate form.  It is our view that unites them in Love.  Blast on!

April 3, 2014



Your words have an energy to them that is specific to you and your moment.  For one, love is a word of delight, for another it is a word of pain.  Most will have a mix of feelings within.  Words will have a different vibrational signature each time they are spoken.  Not only is your intent different, but your vibration is changing constantly and being changed by the experiences you are encountering.  Much of this information resides in the unconscious mind, for you have been forming opinions and beliefs since you were born.  As you pursue your spiritual evolution, you are opening your connection to the unconditional Love of Source.  Part of this connection is the observance of what you are conveying into your world with your intent, your actions and your words.  Words are simply vibrational information, and their meaning is only specific to you.  What is said or heard is merely part of the story.  What in-form-ation does the word Never have to you?   

Never has become a word that often blocks connection.  The word itself has no defined meaning as such, it can be used to convey connection, as in, “I will never stop loving, etc.” Take a moment to look at your ‘Nevers.’  Are they helping you connect, or are they stopping your Love flow?  What do you think you would or should Never do?  For instance does, "I would Never shoot up heroin," stop your Love flow for those that do, or is it merely a choice for Self?  Are you able to disagree with the words and actions of another and still maintain your Love flow?  

What do you project that others should Never do?  What are you observing that others are projecting that you should never do?  Are their projections stopping your heart flow, or are you seeking connection within it?  It can become a never-ending cycle of Nevers.  Who decides the correct Nevers?  You know it is not your governments, or you would Never drive a mile over the speed limit!  Do you decide Nevers for others?  If so, surely you allow others to decide your Nevers, too. 

Never is a paradox.  It is within paradox that the mind melts and meets the heart.  It is within the heart that your Truth resides.  Never is a truth that stretches your ability to understand your timeless nature, your Loving, connective nature.  As you interact with the opposite of your eternal nature, you see the reflection of God in the mirror.  What happens when Never and Unconditional Love meet?  Can you perceive through Love and still choose for the Self?  Can you observe others and still choose for the Self? 

As we sit to Blast Never, we are connecting with our unconditionally Loving Source nature and merging it with being human.  We are choosing how we perceive opposites and integrating them through an empowered heart.  We are teaching empowered boundaries to the world as we choose what we will allow in our lives from the balance of Love.  We are becoming ever brighter beacons of evolution through forgiveness, compassion and the inherent strength within one who Loves.  We are following our heart into the Neverland of eternal youth that sees the world with wonder, innocence and the maturity of discovery through experience.  We are allowing Never to show us the reflection of our empowered boundaries becoming a guidepost for Love.  In Love, Never becomes eternal.  Blast on!