Weekly LightBlast

June 26, 2014


Knowing All is Well

Dear Being, as you create you change the vibrational balance upon Earth.  We hear the call of frustration, confusion and sometimes even defeat as the will of the collective, the will of the present does not seem to cooperate with the future you want to create now.  You are a vital part of Life; honored, cherished and respected as the Creator that you are.  You are supported and sustained by the engine of Life and this engine is in continual motion beyond your concept of Time.  Yet Time has given its flow to you, it interweaves with you and allows your focus to permeate its flow and form.  It responds, allows and holds you on a track of movement, confined to day and night, confined to a collective clock.  Your perception and participation with this engine of Life melds its flow into form.  You create.  You create with the collective of Life, with the rules of Life. 

Knowing All is Well is another way of saying have ease with the rules of Life.  Rather than fight against or push forward, create as you flow, observe and choose.  Continually observe the clues that flow and form are giving you and choose anew, choose anew, choose anew.  Life is fail-safed to not only continue, but to flourish and expand.  The tree digs deep and finds root in water so that its expansion continues into the Light with a strength that takes from the body of the earth and gives to the nourishment of Life.  Life is served, shared with and enhanced by the tree and in this cycle, it also gives back to the body of Earth.  Your very existence is a cycle of give and take with Life and this cycle is sacred.  As you breathe, eat and excrete you enact a cycle of transformation and service that includes other aspects of Life.  It is this collective participation that is your connection, your choice and your expansion.  Take it and give it new Life. 

As you trust your mind to create and Know All is Well, you are aligning your empowerment with your Divine Nature in human form.  You have been given dominion of choice.  How you choose to perceive your fellow humans, life on Earth and Free Will either disrupts your flow or facilitates change.  When you look at other humans that you disagree with, do you find expansion in the disagreement or do you find a wall that you must push against?  This wall is invisible, so you must Follow Your Mind to observe your truth – your initial reaction.  This wall is not in form, Dear One, it is in you.  Do not resist it, for at first it provides you safety and sanctuary.  Within the walls of your resistance to another, you nurture your choice and your strength to choose it.  Do you have the strength to forgive another to melt your resistance and also build your endurance to hold a boundary of choice?  That boundary of choice becomes a wall that allows your Free Movement, not binding you within walls of fortification, but fortifying you with walls of participation with Life.  Your clarity of focus, your clarity of Love, your clarity of choice and holding your empowerment of give/take with another is your Free Movement with Life.

As we sit to Blast Knowing All is Well, we are choosing with a power that does not apologize for our existence, but co-creates with this beautiful game of Life – tipping the scales toward Love.  We are observing the choices of others, as we agree and disagree, and honoring the glory of each being’s ability to choose how they participate with Life.  We are appreciating free will, for it is an engine of learning, developing and choosing that is in-built into Life prior to birth.  We are looking beyond the moment, into the potential of empowerment it creates and enhancing Love’s emergence on Earth.  We are observing our reaction to others and using resistance to form a new path for the flow of Love as we erode the walls of fear and separation into the current of Time.  We are boldly choosing Love and empowerment within, for Life responds to our choice and forms anew be-cause of us.  Blast on!

June 19, 2014


Following the Mind

When wisdom leads, the mind is aligned with the heart, for these two parts of you in balance offer wholeness.  You choose with your mind, for it is your instrument of direction.   Your heart is your instrument of connection.  Your heart is connected through all time, not just one direction of time.  Your heart knows all directions as Love, as beneficial.  Your heart is connected to all potential and all perspectives and it is filtering all of this information to you through the information of emotion.  Emotion transduces the energy of all time into a feeling in the now and flows it toward the future.  Every emotion you feel is your heart speaking volumes of information to you about your past and your present building your future.   Your heart culminates the totality of human experience into that, for it is an instrument of connection.  This is the fail-safe of Love.  You are connected to all, though paths converge and diverge; and therefore, the direction of your choice has an effect on All Life, though the connection is invisible.

Your heart speaks to you of your past and your present building your future.  When you have an uncomfortable feeling, it is speaking to you of change that feels unreachable or frightful based on your observance or experience in the past and/or present.  It is for you to connect to your courage through forgiveness and appreciation of the past that strengthened and wizened you into your present state.  It is for you to connect with the clarity of your new direction that effects change for you and for Life, for you are connected to it and you are in the Service of sharing with it.  Here your heart and mind meet.  You recognize wisdom because it feels right to you, even in a moment of discomfort.  Humanity is moving past Servitude into a bold sharing of empowerment.  Humanity is moving into Freedom as they honor the rules of the present and learn to move past them through Loving empowerment.  Love is bold beyond a moment. 

The mind is a magnificent information delineation station.  It takes data from the past and the present to analyze and categorize for choice.  This is a valuable part of your wholeness as your unique perspective allows you choice that creates diversity in this realm.  Your natural reflexes continue Life.  Your breathing, your hunger, your desire and your connective impulse all continue Life.  Your mind directs the choice.  As you look beyond the obvious of a moment, you find new choice.  Your intuitive senses give you information that is not necessarily heard, seen or felt by everyone.  You are learning to utilize them for empowerment and new choice.  This is a natural progression of the brain.  This is a natural progression of the heart/brain connection.  This is a natural path of humanity, it is Ascension.  Following your Mind is trusting your choices, because they resonate with your heart.  When your mind is connected to your heart, you are choosing with vast, Loving information – information that is beyond the moment.  Only the heart can connect you with new potential of the future, the mind merely builds from the past and present.  This becomes limitation if one does not connect with the heart.  And yet it is the mind that helps you choose to create the future.

As we sit to Blast Following the Mind, we are honoring all aspects of Life as a valuable part of the whole, even those parts that challenge us to greater clarity and courage.  We are living the change we create and creating new change in each moment through choice.  We are balancing our give and take with life as we choose the path that serves Love’s expansion.  We are appreciating challenge and support as two sides of the same coin.  We are boldly following the heart to connection and the mind to a new direction of Love manifest on Earth.  Blast on!

June 12, 2014



Dear Lightworker, your Freedom grows from within.  It is the nature of unconditional Love to allow all experience, and that is the nature of God.  It is the unconditional Love of God/Source/The Universe that creates Freedom.  Understand this on a deep level.  Unconditional Love begets Freedom.  How do unconditional Love and Freedom apply to Earth, to humanity?  Human life, earthly life is a life of conditions, or rules.  Even the orbit of the Earth is bound to rules that limit its Freedom to fly through space on a path of its making.  When you live in this dimensional expression of Earth, you live with rules and conditions.  Yet there is Freedom within these rules, and this Freedom helps you move beyond the rules.  For this unconditionally Loving reason, you are Free to observe the positives and negatives of life around you.  From this point of observation, you make choice.  Your choice is the engine of life continuing.  Not just you, for you are bound into a collective on earth.  The paradox of Freedom.

Your Freedom is within your internal reaction to Life, and even that has its limits!  You have an internal, instinctual reaction to Life.  This should be honored. This internal, instinctual reaction is not your choice, it is your truth.  When you find your internal, instinctual reaction is anger, honor your anger.  It is a valuable language of Life and it is your Freedom speaking to you from unconditional Love.  Unconditional Love does not play favorites.  It does not Love the pious one more than the deleterious one.  It merely Loves.  The pious one is as Free to choose and behave as the deleterious one, there are no conditions upon that choice, but there are consequences.  Not consequences of punishment because one chose correctly and one did not (that is manipulation, not Freedom), but consequences of reaction to action.  Your Freedom creates, you are created in the image of a Creator.  What you create is then part of the experience of Life and will be experienced, it is a consequence of creation.  It is the unconditional Love of Time, form and Life on Earth. 

Your work, Lightworker, is to become astutely aware of what you are creating.  Saying yes in one experience creates flow.  Saying yes in another experience creates stagnation.  Saying yes in one experience is sharing and bold.  Saying yes in another experience is taking and manipulative.  There is not one right answer that applies to everything, because Love is continually expanding.  There is only choice.  Choice creates and creation causes new choice - within the conditions of Earth and within the Freedom of your will.  An internal, instinctual reaction of anger is showing you where your Freedom is calling you to new courage, to new strength, to new empowerment.  Your choice is what you ‘do’ with it.  Your first action is internal, your next action is external and creates form in this realm.  As you choose to honor yourself and balance your give/take with Life, you are allowing the truth of your Freedom to expand.  This expansion grows in you.  Those that are still growing their courage, strength and empowerment have an example to observe and emulate.  You change, humanity changes and the experience on Earth changes.  It is a progression that occurs with each moment of choice.  That is the nature of unconditional Love; you are applying it into the conditions of Earthly life and the conditions expand along with you. 

As we sit to Blast Freedom, we are moving beyond resistance into change and implementing courageous Love into every challenge and every triumph.  We are compassionate and excited about the progress that is available to each human.  We are embracing those we disagree with, even as we disagree; for they are offering a reflection that calls us to greater empowerment, greater Love and bolder choice.  We are being the change we want to see in the world by creating change with the power of choice and the power of voice as we direct our focus into form.  We are Loving the limitations of life on Earth, for there is no greater Love than a rule that calls you to find Freedom within it.  Blast on!