Weekly LightBlast

July 30, 2015


Finding Truth

Blessed Being, in these unprecedented times of change you are growing your spiritual, connected nature rapidly. You are finding your path of connection to the heart, expanding the mind and becoming more whole and interactive with your world. As you Find Your Truth, it often means releasing a mistruth, a half-truth, a misperception or a harmful truth. A harmful truth is one that may have evidence, but has no value in your evolution.

Truth has a density, a manifestation to it that effects life. Proof comes in many different forms. Your focus, your response and your choice gives it weight in your vibration. When a truth is helpful to you, that density gives you a grounded foundation to build upon. But you must keep building.

If you lived in a valley and no one had ever been outside of the valley, there would be no truth of existence beyond the mountains. It could be nothingness, the world stops at the mountains. If you eventually climbed atop the mountains and realized that there is life beyond the valley, a new truth has been built upon your old foundation of truth. One could then assume that the world stops at the end of the horizon, as far as they eyes can see. As you now know, this was an experience that was real to humanity for a time. Truth is not always visible, and what is visible is not always the whole truth.

Allow your evidence to change easily. If you hold tightly to your evidence, you resist change. Your peace with your truth and with change allows your evolution to proceed more gently and rapidly.

Observe what you hold as truth. How do you perceive your situations, your structures like government, religions and economics? How could you build upon your foundation of truth that exists in the moment and see beyond the mountain that blocks a greater truth? If there is life beyond the mountain, perhaps there is a solution for your life challenges that you just can’t quite see yet. A new truth. Residing there all along, just awaiting your ability to see it. You must build upon your own truth to find it. Perhaps another can show you, but seeing is not believing; believing is believing. What truths do you believe? You must seek to find.

As we sit to Blast Finding Truth, we are building upon the past as the foundation of strength that creates a new future. We are coming to terms with our challenges and using them as a focal point of opportunity to find a path that better suits current flow. We are releasing resistance, appreciating our own pace of change as the world adjusts to the transformation that is calling for more internal power. We are finding the path of least resistance, just as nature does, for the truth of change can flow easier with the patient strength of Love evolving Life. Blast on!

July 23, 2015


Forcing Change

To Allow is a passive force, for it builds in the unseen. Yet it requires your active choice. You are learning your innate power, your creative abilities, your place in this Earthly world and the dimensions beyond physical reality. Your innate power and creative abilities are within your unique perception and experience. Your choice brings your innate power to form.

Active force is visible in the physical realm. It is a necessary aspect of life and you do this each time you move your body to take a step forward. The physical realm is the experience that your senses have created from frequency; perceiving a wave as a smell, a color, a temperature, a density. It is benevolent, valuable, and as you embrace it, you open to your mastery with it. The power of active force is in the physical realm.

Passive force is invisible in the physical world. Its power is within the subtle, invisible realm. Passive force compels, magnetizes and draws the components of creation together to form anew. The bonding, the connection, is the alchemy that happens within you as you open your heart to connect with your life and life around you. 

Your awareness is the beginning of the physical realm; therefore, the passive and active force shifts with your awareness. As you Allow life to touch your heart; you have choice within you. In that moment of allowing connection, will you become active, maintaining the power of your force and transform the information? Or will you remain passive, allowing what you have drawn to you to merely consume you?  

Your choice is a vehicle of movement, it is the catalyst. It creates a change in direction. Even if you choose inaction, you are choosing a direction. As you utilize your innate power, your creative abilities within your awareness, you are beginning the transformation of data into a new creation. 

Working within the subtle realm begins to form a new creation. Working in the physical realm moves a formed creation. Both are valuable based on the needs of the experience. Observe your life. Decide if it is time to form a new creation or to move a formed creation along a path. This will help you determine if it is time for visible action, the active force; or invisible action, the passive force. They intertwine, so it will never be just either/or. These forces meet within you, you are ‘and,’ the connection point of the active and passive, that creates new form.

Change is inevitable and change is always good. Love is the binding force of all life. It is a passive force that compels Life to new form. At its core, though you may not see it visibly yet, Love is bonding new form. It is the kernel of change that will eventually seed new growth visibly.

What force are you using to change? Are you utilizing the powerful invisible engine that builds worlds atom by invisible atom? Is it a moment best served by your patience to focus and await new form? Is it a moment of moving a formed creation in a new direction? These forces intertwine within you, so Allow Love to flow more fully and you will feel more comfortable with your full force of creation.

As we sit to Blast Forcing Change, we are well with the pace of creation for we are eternally creating. We are discerning the moment for the subtle details of force that best serve a moment of change. We are calm in the midst of chaos, reaching a new coherence of strength that is unshakable in the deconstruction of the old forms. We are freeing the mind from action and allowing the heart to lead with the power of magnetic Love.  We are bringing the new world into creation; the creation is our reaction of Love transforming Life. Blast on!

July 16, 2015


Seeing the Big Picture

Your heart will always lead you to connection, and connection always transforms. It is for the strong that understand their inherent ability to create; for there is no loss, only creation of the new. When you follow your heart, you are lead [sic], transformed, to the golden potentials that you have been dreaming of deeply.

Following your heart Allows Love to lead your life. It requires an ability to trust the future. As you become comfortable with your freedom to be yourself, your courage to let go of controlling the challenging aspects of human life, and your faith in the benevolence of life, you begin to see the invisible picture that Love is creating.

To See the Big Picture, your mind must be able to look beyond the moment, beyond the obvious, beyond the pain of the past. This skill is available through the heart leading the mind to new connection. As you look, you feel. As you feel, you perceive.  Do you feel strong enough to look past the pain, past the loss, past the challenge and see new creation?  It is the gift of the present, an opportunity to choose. Follow your heart, for it will lead you to golden potentials.

As we sit to Blast Seeing the Big Picture, we are using our brilliant mind to perceive the unformed into the future as we look deep into the eyes (ayes) of Love. We are the oracles of the Truth of Love; that Life is a sacred journey of expanding into the unseen that is known in the heart. We are following our hearts to the treasure chest of the golden future of humanity, connected through the grace of divinity and strengthened through the grace of Love. Blast on!

July 9, 2015


Allowing Love

All experiences on Earth and within your observable universe around you have force. It is imbued in life. In a moment, force is either passive or active, the engine of opposites connecting. From one perspective, it is passive; from another, active. In a moment, it is either/or. The next moment it has become the other, the ‘and’ of connection, of consumption, of continuation through transformation. Deep within these words are clues to your wholeness.

An active force is dominant in the physical realm. A passive force is dominant in the subtle, unseen realm. Yet even your science easily tells you that the physical realm is created by the subtle, unseen realm. Your invisible cells create an organ that is visible. Your invisible subatomic particles create an invisible atom, which compels bonding/consumption into a new form that is visible in the physical realm. What then is active and passive in your visible realm?

Love is a passive force. It awaits, silently. It honors the separation with a deep compassion. It allows. It is detached, honoring separation as an experience, knowing such peace that the separation is not a pain – it is a progression. Connection is inevitable for one that Allows Love. A passive force does not overpower actively. It does not force connection, it allows connection. A passive force merely compels by its inherent strength. How strong are you?

From your physical perspective, it seems the active force is stronger than the passive force. You observe war, abuse, control and determine human laws of right or wrong. It is your work in this time to balance the experience of the separated physical realm with the connected non-physical realm. The lines of active and passive force must connect to create new form. 

As you begin a deeper connection with your subtle nature, you are deepening your strength of Love. You are connecting with a separated humanity through the invisible nature of your Love. It is inherent, it is imbued within you. You call it empathy, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and many other names. All of these are great strengths. They are the strengths that require wisdom, patience and a connection to the yet unseen potentials of the future as humanity learns to move past fear. To work in the subtle realms, one must look past the obvious. That is the strength of Love, a force that is passive in the physical realm and dominant in the subtle realm. Are you Allowing Love to direct your future?

As we sit to Blast Allowing Love, we are opening our eyes to the power of the moment, creating a chaos that offers a new choice, a new form, a new future. We are appreciating the pace of humanity, understanding that progress builds at the perfect pace for the individual and the connected collective. We are actively choosing Love, surrendering to the moment of creation awaiting our awareness to birth into form. We are no longer allowing problems to force our power off balance, for we are releasing the fear of transformation. We are the power of peace, foreseeing a future of humanity strengthened in uniqueness and unified in Love. Blast on!

July 2, 2015


Healing the Heart and Mind

Blessed Being, you are revealing much of yourself inwardly, and that is the most important action in your evolution. Your biomechanism and the environment in which you reside are a perfect complement to your wholeness, your ascension. Your wholeness is internal. It is an interesting experience, facilitating human form in the dimensions of forgetting your spiritual form, your full image; your connected form that is One with All Life.

Your heart/mind complex is a duality experience, and like all things separate on Earth; they are truly connected. Therefore, as you consciously shift how you authentically think and feel, you are creating a union between your separated human form and your connected spiritual form. It takes a foundation of strength and wisdom to truly begin the connecting of Self with All Life. Are you strong enough to observe one in pain and see strength unfolding? Are you strong enough to observe one in joy and celebrate strength unfolded in that moment? It requires a wholeness within that understands that negative and positive are not separate, they are connected. The ‘and’ of life. Either/or is physical in nature, and is the connection that is unseen.  Look for it.

As we sit to Blast Healing the Heart and Mind, we are feeling strong enough to think positively, even amidst visible negativity. We are holding a vision within our hearts and minds of a loving humanity that understands their true divinity. We are becoming well with what is, at peace with the moment, even as we advance into the future of the unknown forming.  We are observing life with the strength of detached compassion, a deep connection that does not forget the power of all beings experiencing growth. We are looking for the clues of Love’s potential and electrifying its magnetic grace, empowering Life within. Blast on!