Weekly LightBlast

April 25, 2013



Excitement is an excellent expanding force, yet it creates a binding.  How exciting is that?  The exact opposite is unexpected, yet a natural reaction.  If the universal forming doesn’t exclude its opposite, why then would you?  It incorporates the opposite, expediting form and expansion.  Expounding upon the idea of expansion, Excitement seems to be an emotional response, but it is much more than that.  Excitement is a quickening, a catalyst for movement.  When an electron is excited, it unleashes from its current bond and accesses new options.  The heat of expansion is the opposite of the cold of contraction, yet both are necessary for new life to bond.  Both are movement.

Excitement is one of your many states of creation, as all states are creative.  When you become excited, like an electron, you are hopeful beyond the current state of being, yet not resistant to it.  You are open to new form, though not yet experiencing it.  You are free in your ability to create, yet not the totality of the creation.  Excitement is a peacefulness that Knows All is Well.  The letting go of the old creation and the opening to the mysterious is the natural flow of life.   It’s Exciting when you feel confident in your ability to create.  It’s daunting when you feel that letting go or creating a new bond is a consumption of life force. 

Your Excitement is not your only state of creation or movement, it is merely a rapid opening.  Yet to experience only Excitement becomes paramount to frenzy.  The continual state of being excited results in an unstable environment.  Thus the beauty of opposition…the natural, calming cohesion that builds form.  Allow your Excitement to be one avenue of growth, as your peace and rest is another.  Mutually beneficial, as all Life truly is. 

As we sit to Blast Excitement, we are opening to the next creative moment, available right now in our release.  We are full of Life and Love to overflowing, that the next bond receives and renews – the great flow of Life.  We are duality in Oneness, the great mysterious paradox formed, ever opposite and united.  We are hopeful, letting go and binding anew; Knowing All is Well.  Blast on!

April 18, 2013



Many have been separated from their discernment through guilt, doubt and control.  When you have the Fortitude to trust yourself, you are strong in your discernment, focused in your choice and flowing in your ability to create in this dimension.  Yet that does not preclude you from sharing life with others on equal ground.  As you participate in life fully, you are utilizing your Discerning mind to allow the flow of your connective heart.  You are a full system of interpretation that is capable of receiving information from your surroundings, incorporating the information with your internal preference, then choosing how you will emit/share/create with the world around you.  Life continues. 

Your Discernment is a powerful tool.  Do not let it be diminished for fear that you are judging, understand the difference and choose.  The difference, which is mere semantics, is in your reaction to another or a situation.  If you find that your creative ability is dependent upon not allowing another to create freely, then you are in the negative expression of judgment (or discernment).  You need not control another.  Utilize your creative power.  Activate your creational abilities.  Choose!  Become a dominant influence in your life that doesn’t dominate over, but participates boldly with.  Influence your surroundings with your perspective, your Light and your choice.  Your choice, the subtle information you emit, begins the shift in the field of response which is Life. 

There are those that discern the world around them, often not even interacting directly with it, and focus intently upon its wrongness, its injustice, its immensity, its hopelessness.  They take in information, incorporate it into their being and find the self hopeless and choiceless.  Their creative ability is diminished by the choice to be choiceless, feeling no power of influencing the environment with prayer, with a vision for a better future or with inspired action.  The self, the physical body is changed by this, it is diminished in its expansive ability.  There is no judgment in that, merely physics.  Your physical body is a mechanism of vibratory response.  Subtle intent, thought and emotional vibration create a physical chemical response that floods your body.  Your chemical excretions influence the world around you.  Just as an animal responds to fear emitted from you, so does all life.  You are not incapable, you are so capable that the system of life continues to challenge you into an expansive state.  Your choice is so honored that you can choose contraction without judgment. 

As we sit to Blast Discerning, we are focusing the mind away from duality and into the creation of the new.  We are using ‘what is’ to propel us to new creation.  We are receiving the current information and allowing it to mingle in our Loving embrace.  We are emitting a signal of hope that calls to us those of like heart and mind.  We are dominating our internal world with Love and watching for the signals of response in the world around us.  Like the Truth of Love, it whispers choice without need – just a quiet availability for those with ears to hear.  Blast on!

April 11, 2013


Receiving Love

It seems counterintuitive, but many have a hard time opening to receive Love.  Often there was a disconnect in childhood that created a schism in the understanding of the nature of Love.  All Life comes from Love.  The connective force that continues Life is an experience of giving of the Self so that Life continues.  You see it in nature constantly.  Life releases and renews to the next cycle of Life, even decay and natural waste material feeds new life.  For many, there have been situations that caused a feeling of confusion with Love as they were protected and nurtured by the parents, family and community.  As a newborn, you understand the nature of God and Love, for you are fresh from deep connection prior to separation into body form.  As you interpret the energetics of those around you, without language yet still acutely aware, you deal with many inconsistent energies that don’t seem to be flowing Love as you interpret the unspoken emotional and mental energy of those around you.  For some it is even a physical experience of hunger, cold or abuse.  It can be confusing.  As you grow, you enter into a predominantly different brain wave experience that creates a forgetting of the information from very young childhood.  The misunderstanding of the Truth of Love creates blockages to Receiving Love.  When Love is unconsciously associated with pain, the biological system resists it.  As you are open to Feeling, you are open to the data of life flowing through you as you participate and experience life fully.  Quite often that takes courage, for the warriors of Light are battle weary.  Open then, and Receive the Love that flows through Life for you.  You are cherished beyond words and deeds. 

As you open to becoming a flowing conduit for more Love, it is important to observe your boundaries and make certain that they are protecting and honoring the Self, while simultaneously keeping you open to the flow of interaction with others, even when some of that is unpleasant.  It’s the difference between a challenging situation that fosters change and a challenging situation that creates shut-down.  That line is different for each person and even varies within a person due to situation (i.e. good boundaries in work, poor boundaries in relationship) or sometimes just mood.  You are to observe yourself for remaining open and wise with honoring the Self.  It is the difference between avoidance and healing.  You need not immerse yourself in negative situations to heal them, and you need not run from them either.  Wise choice is Foregoing the Option to torture yourself into healing.  Wise choice is testing and increasing your strength in situations that won’t cause shut-down.  Receiving Love is a perception of safety in a situation, as you are aware of your ability to choose to honor yourself without consequence. 

As we sit to Blast Receiving Love, we are bringing the invisible quantum bond into the experience of life interacting.  We are seeing the Light of Love in the eyes of all we meet, even when their pain speaks louder than their Love.  We are remembering the great mystery is within us, that the silence of Love can bond a moment, a friendship, a marriage or a planet.  We are choosing to listen so closely to Love that the heartbeat of the galaxy that sings unity is the same song of our soul.  We are opening fully to our birthright of joy, freedom and creative flow, as all life is honored with the free will to choose.  Will you choose Love?  Blast on!

April 4, 2013


Foregoing Options

We revisit a topic that seemed odd at the time I originally channeled it, yet the information surprised me with its beauty.   I considered reposting the original one, but as I reread it, I fell so deeply in love that I couldn’t wait to delve more deeply into a topic that seems so mundane, yet is so rich with potential Love.  Ultimately, I forewent (is that a real word?) the option to be a little lazy, and to find a deeper expression of life within a concept.  Isn’t it the way of life?  You can experience on the surface or look deep into someone’s eyes and see the Divine looking back at you.  You can hear painful truths and respond with Love or continue a pattern of controlling, separating or assuming.  You have options.  They are internal, eternally evolving and you never get it wrong.

To Forego an Option is a choice for your Mastery.  It is Choice, which is Mastery.  The beauty of Life on Earth is available for your awareness in every experience.  When you discern the opposite (option), you are utilizing the awareness system that is in-built into your biology.  When you feel the opposite (option), you are connecting, also an in-built biological system.  Connecting with another, a situation, a concept or a question becomes an expansion.  That expansion is within the nature of the universe, the universe expands with your connection.  Feelings manifest creation, as does the logical discernment with the mind.  When you observe your Truth with that statement, what is your reaction?  Do you know the value of emotion and allow it to flow freely within you?  Even anger has a beautiful reason to flow, yet it need not deluge another.  When you feel anger flowing, your power, your boundaries are being denigrated.  It is merely a signal of energy (e-motion, energy-in-motion) flow.  Anger is a feeling, therefore, highly creative.  But what does it create?  Left unconnected through the conduit of Love, it creates a basis of boundaries and empowerment being denigrated.  There is no judgment with that because the ability of Love to connect is unending and the universe has no time constraints.  That which is Love’s opposite, is truly Love’s option.  You can Forego the continuance of anger and connect to Love, or you can continue to allow anger to beckon Love.  It is a matter of choice.  Your choice is in the matter. 

All opposites (options) require not only expansion, but contraction.  What does that mean as it applies to Life?  It is a letting go, a release, a lessening or a contraction.  Foregoing Options has release, or contraction in-built as well.  In order to expand, you release the old.  You see this in day-to-day life as choice is made to discontinue a pattern.  You are aware that many change relationships, jobs or locations – only to experience the same pattern with a different fascade.  It is a fine line of balance and choice to break a pattern.  You Forego the Option to repeat a pattern when you take the steps to create a new, healthier pattern.  The contraction is you letting go when as of yet there is no visible expansion.  Trusting the Self and the flow of Life is creation in action.  You are creative by nature, and your cycles of expansion and contraction are also your nature. 

As we sit to Blast Foregoing Options, we are letting go of small ideas of ourselves, our creative abilities and the power of Love.  We are releasing the binds of hopelessness and renewing our option to dream.  We are contracting into the dreamscape with such concentration that the force of creative flow cannot be contained.  We are breaking beyond the  confines of what has been done before and forging new ground of possibility.  We are the masters of Light, illuminating the world with the hope of new Life blooming.  Love is always an option.  Blast on!