Weekly LightBlast

May 30, 2013


Being Yourself

You are unique in your energy signature.  Like the snowflake, you are unlike all others.  You are God in form, Life expressing and expanding.  Each thought you think, breath you breathe and choice you make is Divine.  It is Life, through YOU.  You are a Being that was born eons ago in such depth of Love that from human perspective it is nearly unfathomable.  Love of such capacity that it is completely unconditional.  There is no behaving a certain way, looking a certain way or even smelling pleasant that is required.  The Love remains, fully flowing for All Life no matter what the conditions.  That is a level of Love that few even have for themselves, much less another.  There is no judgment or wrongness in that, it is merely a condition of 3D earthly Life.  As you love the conditions, you gradually express and expand your own capacity to Love.  With that expansion comes access to the next level of awareness. 

Dear Blessed Being, your energy/information is part of Life.  You are a unique Being within a collective.  All that you emit is information that informs the system of Life.  Do you marvel at your creation of you?  Do you marvel at the mastery of the cells in the physical body, the profound connection of the emotions, the power of the mental expanse?  These are mere drops in the ocean of your Life as you become the Divine Being that you are remembering you have all ways been.  There is no regret from broader perspective.  There is no mistake that has not propelled Love.  There is no Being exactly like you.  As you allow your unique vibrational emanation to speak to the fields of others, you are informing the collective energy field of humanity.  This is the language that has the most information within it, far more than the words you speak.  It is a reflexive ‘language,’ meaning it speaks from all angles.  The actions you do or do not take, speak.  Your true intent behind your words or silence, speaks.  Your thoughts and beliefs speak.  As you become aware of this ‘silent’ language and direct it with the focus of a creative Being, you participate in the creation of your world with greater intensity. Life responds.

As we sit to Blast Being Yourself (Being Myself), we are allowing the flow of Self Love to permeate the air so that those that lack it can breathe it in.  We are appreciating the beautiful diversity within the unity of Life.  We are viewing the world from the perspective of love and transforming our physical into a vehicle of Love’s flow.  We are remembering the True Glory of All Life, such that its actions speak softer than the intent of Love.  We are the becoming the Wayshowers of Love’s grace, seeing it in the spark of Life that resides in All.  Blast on!

May 23, 2013


Expansion and Contraction

The opposites of life create the wholeness of life.  Expansion and Contraction are not just opposites, they are two parts of a whole.  Life seeks both, for it is One inclusive whole.  Are you inclusive by nature, allowing Life to flow through you in its opposites?  That which you oppose or resist creates a friction within your life force.  As you are inclusive, allowing the totality of life to flow through you, your own expansion and contraction flows with ease.  Contraction need not be resisted.  It is the focusing, the resting, the letting go and the allowing.  This is part of your livelihood, for without contraction, expansion has no platform for existence.  It takes strength to allow the contraction, for it is within the inner world that is unseen - the space of choice, before it comes to fruition.  Expansion is the visible result of contraction. 

The outwardly-focused world sees the expansion side of life, placing little value on the contraction within. A focused beam of light becomes brighter. A beam of light that is not as focused will disperse out over a greater expanse, though not appear as bright.  It takes great energy to create the same brightness over the expanse. As you focus your beam of light on your internal creation (the subtle quantum world), your contraction creates visible expansion within time. As you allow the focused contraction within to combust into great expansion the natural power sources of life expel you outward.  Just as your nightly rest expels you toward renewal the next morning, so does your subtle focus.  Your contraction is not a punishment for lack of correct action, it is the natural cycle of life assisting you toward expansion.  Expand your thinking into a contracted beam of focused Love and observe the changes around you.  Love is an inclusive force and thus the natural flow of Life is Love.  As you align with Love, you allow the totality of the universe to flow through you.  You become the supernova you truly are.

As we sit to Blast Expansion and Contraction, we are allowing the full expanse of life to contract within us.  We are flowing gracefully through change and changing gracefully through time.  We are open to all of life, treading everywhere, for that is what Angels do.  We are fearlessly focused on all experiences and allowing our perception to create the next visible expansion.  We are Whole and separate, united and unique, One and many.  We are opposing no-thing, which is everything, and the paradox resolves within.  Blast on!

May 16, 2013


Accessing Totality

It is through connection and separation that earthly life continues.  Deep within your individual cells is the knowledge of the functionality of the whole, for each is connected and interdependent for its own survival.  You see evidence of the fractal reality as cells create an organ, which creates a system, which creates a self, which creates humanity, which creates choice, and life expands.  As you interact with life, you Access Totality through your profound connection and heartfelt understanding of the value of your separation.  Your allowance and choice is your access into the totality of life, creation itself.  It lives within you, through you and around you.  As you become aware of the invisible connection, the interdependence and the continual change that is born through you, you allow improvement into the world around you.
Accessing Totality is available to you within your biomechanism.  You’re constantly receiving vibration, perceiving experience and choosing your emanation.  Life is taken into the self, into the awareness, into the present.  It is then mingled with your perception - your fear, resistance, joy or allowance and finally your choice.  That perception then emanates out whether through thought, words or action.  As that emanation comes forth from the self, the totality of life responds.  Your own totality does not stop at your physicality, it continues and breathes into all of life.  Your Access into Totality is through your focus on the subtle and yet unformed – life that is available to your creative flow.  Breathe deeply of all of life.  Allow your focus to shift the information and form life anew.

As we sit to Blast Accessing Totality, we are remembering our creative nature and allowing the cycles of time to flow into form.  We are connecting with life so deeply that the outside is inside our heart and pulsing a new rhythm into life.  We are the wholeness separated into pieces of grace, supporting all into empowered creating.  We are so unified in the force of Love, that all is embraced in our forgiving heart.  We are united, unique in our choices, bold in our love and remembering that Life is Divine.  Blast on!

May 9, 2013


Being Present

To be present in the now moment, you need merely allow your attention to follow the data that is presented to you.  You have emotional, physical and mental reactions to all that you are experiencing.  As you perceive the data that is in your experience, your mind culls the previous data through all lifetimes and compiles it so that choice can be made.  When you do not let the fear of the past or future dominate, you have access to new choice or new information.  You are constantly making choice even if you choose inaction. Your awareness and your ability to perceive the data in your now moment IS Being Present.  It effects all that you do and all that you are being. 

Even as you think upon at the past or the future, being present with your subtle response brings you into the present.  Choice is in the present.  Choice is your vehicle of creation containing all data.  You, as is all life, are energetic in nature and moving at all times, even in your stillness and inaction.  In the quieting of the thoughts there is great movement.  In the speaking of the words there is great movement.  Being Present is to allow this full information to inform your choice such that the movement of life continues with (easier) flow.  Being creative in the present allows habits and patterns to shift.  It allows the influence of the outside world to be shifted within the self.  This is Being Present - that the totality of all that has been and will be are courageously combined in the now moment to create your future that is but a breath away.  There is no fear, no resentment, no resistance, no overwhelming hopelessness.  Being Present, you inhale with great confidence and exhale with great love. 

As we sit to Blast Being Present, we are full to overflowing in our knowing of the gift that our love brings to this world.  We are remembering the past as the wisdom that it now is and foretelling the future with the breath (breadth) of Love upon our words.  We are choosing from full information and allowing the creative force to flow freely through us.  We are courageous in our creativity as the life that we build has the unity of grace upon it.  We are aware and allowing as new choice creates new life.  Blast on!

May 2, 2013


Allowing New Information

Your brain, mind and personality construct is designed to process information into the dimensional awareness that is prevalent within its experience.  Your mind expansion allows access to new information, which in turn allows access to expanded dimensional experience.  You can get mind-boggled into details of what is ‘new’ or you can enjoy your expansion and allow the flow of Life through you.  Within that flow comes an alignment with new information that anchors an expanded awareness.  Without judgment of better or worse, you would then anchor a dimensional 'upgrade' or access into an expanded dimensional awareness.  As a creative being, you are constantly being pulled toward your creative expansion.  As your mind becomes aware of new information, your focus and densification of it actually allows enlightenment.  The paradox of allowing, newness and information is born within you.

Allowing is opposite to what so many are taught, thus your creative capabilities are tempered.  Temperament is taught as valueless, except that control becomes inherent in the system.  With such cunning control, one sees control as freedom and the brain system overtakes the nature of the heart, which is to Allow connection, flow and unity.  All Life is served by unity as one gives to Life for the connection as Life continues.  The creative flow is a connection into all other life, as the currents of time and space converge into the form you focus upon.  Allowing is a courageous Knowing that the Self is a vital, cherished part of the whole, there is no ‘giving up’ in Allowing, only giving Life. As the mental construct accepts this, the imbalanced ego is appeased into more balance. 

Newness seems to be an oxymoron of fractal expression, yet it is within every thing.  Your brain awareness is unique to the totality of your time/space interaction and as you allow your focus to be fully open to flow, the new is swept into the focus of being.  All is new within your gaze as your perception informs your Life emanation.  New form is built upon your focus and the heart is connected through the subtle life line of Love – the ultimate allower of grace. 

Information is the formation of life IN you.  You are the form, ever forming.  You are the I Am that I Am becoming ever more.  Expansion of Life is through YOU.  It is within the focus of your awareness that life is informed.  Do you observe and feel hopeless?  Do you observe and create desecrating energy within you as you judge as wrong that which has already formed?  Or do you find the thread of Love in every interaction and focus upon its growth as the seed of hope and connection that each separation offers?  Allowing New Information is your choice, and your choice is the vehicle of new life.  You are the conduit of creative change.  Do not become overwhelmed by the game.  You are a fractal of a Loving Whole that has the supernova at its stead.  Call upon your own quantum creative current and allow the flow of life forming anew its deluge through you. 

As we sit to Blast Allowing New Information, we are becoming the conduit of Love’s power that our biomechanism cultivates through focus.  We are remembering our connection to All Life as nature points to interdependent interaction for life’s continuance.  We are graceful in our ability to see Hope dawning, brighter than the neon fluorescence, as the darkest night promises the deepest renewal.  We are that Light of Hope, gently beckoning the hopeful to their greatest strength.  We are allowing the flow of Life through the heart of Love, because that is who we are.  Blast on!