Weekly LightBlast

November 5, 2015


Preparing the Future

Blessed Being, your awareness, your choice, and your actions are the vehicle through which the future forms. Life itself responds to your choice. You are the sculptor that shapes your life and this world. That is great power. Life gives it to you freely. You are born endowed with the future in your hands, your heart, your awareness, your choice.

This human experience is a magnificent journey, and you are at an exciting point. The point is not a moment of excitement, but all of the dots connecting. Connection is the point. Are you connecting with Life, with others, your heart, and your mind? Are you connecting your past, present, and future?

In the beauty of your linearity, your present moment has been established by your past. You perceive the world based on your past experiences and what feels right to you based on those experiences. Have you been supported and loved? Have you been abandoned or abused? Though it may be hard to understand, these are relative to your perceptions. You need not deny pain; that does not assist its resolution. But you must choose to Stop the Past from holding you in vibrational resonance with the pain of abandonment or abuse.

Has your past established an empowered presence that is prepared to change the future into a journey of more Love and support?

Preparing the Future requires patience as form builds. It requires the awareness of the signals of the invisible form building. Because Life is in your creative hands as you shape it, it speaks to you. It sends you signals of what is working, what is futile, what is harmful, what is helpful. All beings do this, do they not? Why would Life itself be any different? Sometimes you have to observe closely, use logic, or use intuition. 

Preparing the Future is done in the present moment. You make choice of action, inaction, and response. This builds upon Stopping the Past, because if you have vibrational resonance with victimhood, for example, it shapes your future. You need not toil over the past, just make the strong choice to stop its flow as it was, and choose anew. Appreciation of the past allows new flow, new understanding, new perspective, and new energy into your present moment.

As we sit to Blast Preparing the Future, we are appreciating the past and opening the present to new form for the future. We are enhancing our internal power that allows challenges to resolve into a new strength. We are holding a powerful perspective of Love’s potential as we forgive the past and remember that Life is supporting us to improve the future. We are a beacon of Love’s power as we maintain a balance and stability that embodies the grace of empowerment shaping a future of Love. Blast on!

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